Thursday, October 31, 2019

Study case 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Study case 1 - Essay Example It is regarded as morally wrong unless that person is your wife. The man declined to remove his pants for the X-ray due to his protestant stand which does not allow females to see their private parts and this also the main reason as to why he refused to cover himself with a towel. Most of them would even prefer to die than to be treated by a female doctor which does not make sense at all. Just because, this female doctor is going to see your private parts does not mean she is going to do anything with them, all she is interested in is treating you and therefore fulfilling her duty at work (Nam, 11). Most of our cultures misguide us by the things they make us believe, and they may destroy us rather than build us. Religion is supposed to build and unite us but not to tear us apart (Nam, 11). Therefore, everybody is supposed to respect each other, and that includes their religion too. We all believe in something even if not God. We believe He exists though nobody can really prove that he does, we all therefore want the religion we believe in to be superior to the others. However, personal views on religion should be banned in all healthcare facilities and clinics as they helps in promoting unity. If personal views are brought up in the health facilities, it may bring up religious conflicts which bring a poor working environment. This is the main reason as to why one has to compromise his or her religious views for the sake of healthcare. It is very unfair for one to think of banning the religious garb or the jewelry to the healthcare yet they do not know what these things mean to these people. It is their belief that is being disrespected and therefore mocking their belief (Nam, 10). What they do not ask themselves is how they would feel if they were in their position or what they would do if the same was being done to them. But no, of course they did not ask

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