Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Dream employer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dream employer - Essay Example There are a few companies in the world that offer a good working environment or autonomy and opportunities as Microsoft Corporation; apart from an attractive pay package they also offer an incredible array of perks to their staff such as free and complete medical cover and gym membership. This essay will discuss reasons as to why working for Microsoft Corporation would be a dream comes true for me. Founded in 1975, Microsoft is today one of the IT giants in the world producing a huge percentage of the software that is used by millions worldwide especially the windows operating system and gaming devices such as XBOX (Schneider). Microsoft gives its employees considerable personal autonomy, in both matters of work and the working environment, thus employees will order their own supplies, customize their office and workspace as they see fit and schedule trips and meetings. Even when upper management or other groups make decisions for someone, they still have to take into consideration; ones interests, skills and abilities. While working for Microsoft, I would have the option of showing up to work when I want, and I could hire a decorator to do my office in my style of choice. Without someone else making my schedule for me, I believe I would be highly productive, because of not working under pressure thus being intrinsically motivated. Some companies imagine that employee development and education are undesirable for them since it exposes them to other skills and opportunities, which might make them quit and join other companies in posterity. However, Microsoft takes a radically different approach to the subject of personal employee development, it does not only supply a diverse variety of learning opportunities, but employees are expected to take advantage of them. In fact, one is even guided and directed in their choice of specialization in mid-year career discussions with personnel managers. After such discussions, the firm helps the employees get the experience required through training, shadowing an experienced professional or assigning those projects that will help them gain skills and experience. Indeed, management is so supportive to staff training and development that many of the employees especially new entrants are often spoilt for choice, as at least twenty days a year are spent on staff training. Working in such an environment, I would benefit a great deal since I am not only a quick learner but constantly thirsty for new knowledge. Thus, having an employer who not only encourages but also facilitates the acquisition of new knowledge and skills would epitomize the closest to a perfect job I can get. Microsoft’s compensations and benefits package are not only above the average for the IT industry, but also for the country as a whole since the firm pays more than most of the employers in America. Indeed, this might explain why they do not fear their employees gaining new skills since they do not fear losing them, since there are only few firms that could pay them more remuneration benefits than Microsoft. They also allow their staff to purchase shares of Microsoft at discounted prices, the firm has a team of financial advisors who help the employees develop their financial portfolio by making objective and informed decisions (Lee). Microsoft also shows a great deal of concern for the health of its employees as well as eligible

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