Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Who Inspires Me Essay Example for Free

Who Inspires Me Essay Some people think that for someone to inspire you the person still has to be alive. Well in my case I just recently lost the person that inspired me the most. My father, he was the person whom I asked about money, about how to get better at playing golf and about anything else I needed help with. Wesley Doolen Morgan was a sensitive and caring man, who didn’t like to show emotion much. He never said â€Å"I love you† to us, but we all knew he did. When we needed help with buying school supplies or just advice on how to save money he was the one to ask. He may not have been good with money himself but he could teach us what not to do by what he did as an example. Wes had an example for everything we asked like, how do I start a bank account? His answer was â€Å"well not like this then go into a story of how he had messed up. Dad was the ultimate golfer. He had been teaching me to golf since I could walk, and I still love it. Golfing was dads sport, he tried to always do better and encourage me and my brother to try our hardest. Sometimes he lost his temper and started to yell but he always made up for it by ice cream or extra gas money. My brother and I were so proud of how much dad stuck to playing golf and my fathers dedication to teaching beau and I was what made us so proud. That is pure dedication. As you noticed my dad had a long life and I’m proud of what he has done. He was also a sergeant in the Marine Corps. That told me he didn’t mind a challenge. Daddy loved having control and that’s why he worked hard to get up to a sergeant. Im so inspired by how much my dad has helped not only his family but his friends he inquired over the years. He was greatly loved and is missed tremendously by his friends and family.

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