Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Logic and logic gates Essay

1 advert victimization examples how numeric and alphanumeric data preempt be coded within a computer system M1 excuse development examples how data travels around the processor D1 crap complex system of logic rophys made up of arrays of dim-witted logic circuits P2 describe how analogue data can be metamorphoseed and stored in computer systems M2 have logic circuits using wide-eyed logic supply and provide the true tables and explanation as to their appendage D2 compare and contrast two dissimilar processors. P3 convert numeric data between different enumerate systems including floating point.M3 create low-level programs which involve decision making and branching P4 carry go forth usage of numeric data held in three different number systems M4 describe the difference between astable and bistable flip-flops. P5 describe the key components of a computer architecture and how they interact P6 describe the features of a processor P7 describe the routine of logic provi de using true statement tables P8 create, catalogue and test low-level Programs BTEC National Unit 9 calculator Architecture Assignment 2 Computer Components and Features Criterion covered P7, M2, M4, D1.For these tasks you are required to issue a report using drawings or diagrams and fascinate technical language. Make sure you use tolerate headings and subheadings to identify separate tasks and requirements 1) Use logic diagrams, and truth tables and narrative to describe the operation of the following logic furnish P7 2) Use simple logic doors (eg AND, OR, NOT) to produce a logic circuit to a) understand a security circuit which includes enter from a movement-sensing PIR (passive infra red sensor) and a light sensor. piece at that place is movement sensed, and it is dark, the security light mustiness be lit.b) Describe the logic circuit for accessing an galvanic cabinet. For safety reasons, a gamy voltage electric maintenance cabinet can simply be accessed if the p ower is off, a special key is inserted, and the high tension line is earthed. c) Describe the logic circuit for a Half-Adder. Be sure to include the logic diagram, Boolean algebra statement and truth table for each and a description of how each works. You lead in like manner need to provide keys to any letters utilize to represent inputs and outfits. M2 3) Describe the difference between astable and bistable flip-flops using appropriate diagrams.M4 4) Build complex logic circuits from arrays of simple logic circuits to a) Use Half-Adders and further logic accessions to build a Full Adder b)build a logic circuit including Full Adders to add together the contents of two eight-bit registers.The conventionality for working out the number of doable fruits is 2n. N is the number of inputs. E. g.if there are 2 inputs than the formula would be 22. The fare is 4. This means that there are 4 possible railroad sidings. Truth Table Input Output A. AND adit In AND gates the output ca n only be 1 if every last(predicate) the inputs are solely 1 and if either of the output are 0 and the other input is 1 than output go away always be 0. The two inputs AB and output Q represent the expression which in effect is right because the stands for AND. Truth Table Input Output first principle Z 0gate can have more than 2 inputs.The above NAND gate has 3 inputs. Therefore the formula to work out the number of output is 23 = 8. The truth table is on the side. Even though the formula to work out the number of outputs for the truth table is the same, the actual gate is completely other because if the can only be 0 if all inputs are 1. The output will always be 1 if the inputs are mix of 0 and 1. The input expression for this gate is . The line above stands for NOT. The stave on the symbol is called a bubble and is chiefly used to indicate the inverted (active-low) input or output.The output can only be 1 is all the two inputs are 0 and if the output is 0 that means that the two inputs are 1 and 0 or 0 and 1. The expression for this gate is . This means that Q Gate in any case know as an Inverter, there is always 1 input. If the input is 1 than output is 0 and if the output is 1 than output has to be 0. The logical expression is which means This image of gate is implemented in computers for binary addition.If twain the inputs are 0 than the output will also be 0 and if both the inputs are 1 than the output will also be 0. XOR is very short for exclusive OR. The logical expression for the XOR gate is which means that This type of gate is simply the antonym of XOR (exclusive OR). You can only get a resultant role of 1 is both the inputs are same either 00 or 11. If the inputs are different e. g. 0 and 1 or 1 and 0 than the output will be 0. The expression for this type of gate is. unification Warwickshire & Hinckley College.

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