Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Bp Oil Spill - 1198 Words

BP Oil Spill Chait, J, (2010). Dear Leader. New Republic, 241(10), 2-2. Retrieve June 21, 2010, from Academic Search Premier. This article discusses the present oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The president’s has not changed the Minerals Management Service. In reality, the federal government has no agency tasked with capping undersea oil leaks. All the necessary equipment, along with the expertise for operating it, resides with the private sector. BP will likely bear the full cost of the spill; it has every incentive to deploy its equipment as aggressively as possible. I have seen nobody even attempt to argue, in either practical or theoretical terms, that the government could do a better job of plugging the leak. Crowley, M,†¦show more content†¦114 (20), 5-5. Retrieved June 21, 2010 from Academic Search Premier. The job of a risk manager is to hope for the best, be prepared but for the worst. That means putting emergency response systems in place to cope with a worst-case scenario. The situation remains out of control and the damage substantial— environmental, economic and political. Did BP shy away from expensive loss control measures because a worst-case scenario was so unlikely? Englund, W. (2010 May 26). Oil- Slick Stars. National Journal. Retrieved June 21, 2010, from http://nationaljournal.com/about/njweekly/ This article refers to the Gulf oil spill reached its don t-just-stand-there moment. . Every day, the White House responded with updates and briefings. The White House has belatedly gotten the message, announcing new drilling regulations and scheduling the president s second trip to the Gulf on Friday. (2010 May 27) Spillover, New Republic. Retrieved June 21, 2010, from http://www.thenewrepublic.com IN LATE APRIL, when a deadly explosion sank the Deepwater Horizon oil rig 50 miles off the coast of Louisiana, few thought the incident could turn into one of the worst environmental disasters in U.S. As the oil slick creeps toward the coast, it could inflict billions of dollars in damage on the local fishing and tourism industries, while putting various wildlife refuges at risk. All of a sudden, Congress is perking up. Missing from this dustup has been leadership fromShow MoreRelatedThe Bp Oil Spill Crisis1879 Words   |  8 Pagesuse British Petroleum’s (BP) Oil Spill in the Gulf Coast during 2010. The BP Oil Spill was a crisis and the BP company responded to the event with socially responsible leadership style. We ultimately chose it because it was interesting. When it came to research, we all tried to find different articles on our own to get some general knowledge on the spill. On the first day, we tried to compare our findings to make sure everyone had a basic understanding of the BP Oil Spill. Then, we all did our researchRead MoreThe Spill Of The Bp Oil Spill1464 Words   |  6 PagesThe BP oil spill was one of the worst oil spills to ever happen in the US. There are many factors that caused this horrible spill to happen; to be exact there were eight failures of the oilrig that caused this disaster. The first failure was the cement at the bottom of the borehole was not sealed properly. This caused the oil and gas to start leaking into the pipe leading to the surface of the rig. The second failure was that the valve leading to the surface was sealed improperly with cement. InRead MoreBp Oil Spill1094 Words   |  5 Pagescompetitive) segments do you think BP considered or didn’t consider prior to their drilling of the Gulf Coa st? What should the wedding business owners now consider in their external environment? BP decided to drill in the Gulf Coast mostly because of the oil availability and competition. Opportunity was definitely considered by BP. The North Sea was saturated with other oil companies and BP saw an opportunity in the Gulf of Mexico (Pour, 2011). The segment that BP did not do well is the environmentalRead MoreBp Oil Spill Disaster2255 Words   |  10 PagesBP Oil Spill Public Relations Response Introduction BP Oil Spill which is also known as Gulf of Mexico and Deepwater Horizon oil spill is the largest marine oil spill throughout the history which was caused by an explosion on offshore oil platform namely Deepwater Horizon on 20th April, 2010 located at the Mississippi River delta. British Petroleum (BP) was the principal developer of Macondo Prospects oil field where the accident held. The accident occurred when they were closing the oil wellRead MoreBp Oil Spill1883 Words   |  8 PagesGeography 29 February 2012 BP Oil Spill Oil rigs provide the world with the fuel that is needed to keep it running. However, it is common knowledge that they may potentially cause harm to not only living creatures but also the environment they rely on to survive. This was proven in the spring of 2010 when an oil rig off the Gulf of Mexico exploded and resulted in an oil spill. This catastrophic event opened millions of eyes to the errors that can be found in the way oil rigs are set up. It alsoRead MoreBP Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill 905 Words   |  4 PagesCASE STUDY- MINI CASE: BP GULF OF MEXICO OIL SPILL CASE SUMMARY 1. In a narrative format, summarize the key facts and issues of the case. In the case of the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill, we examine the effects of an organization not being prepared for this particular crisis. The world scrutinized the actions, inactions, and the human decisions made by BP that led to a major catastrophic crisis. The organization was not prepared for a crisis of this magnitude. Our text stated that this type of negligenceRead MoreArgumentative Essay : Bp Oil Spill1558 Words   |  7 PagesArgumentative Essay: The BP Oil Spill Phillip Staton PHI 445 Personal Organizational Ethics Prof. Gloria Zuniga y Postigo February 29, 2016 Argumentative Essay: The BP Oil Spill Introduction In 2010, BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig exploded, causing millions of barrels of crude oil to be leaked out into the Gulf of Mexico. The extensive oil spill created a lot of pollution and far-reaching effects on the tourism industry. The resultant damage to marine wildlife such as fish will continue to be feltRead MoreBp Oil Spill Case Study1237 Words   |  5 PagesBP Oil Spill Case Study Brooke Campbell Lander University ere several factors that contributed to the accident: †¢ Valve Failure: The pipe was sealed in two different ways. The pipe was filled with cement and it also had two different valves to stop the flow of gas and oil. All of the valves did not operate correctly, causing the oil and gas to go up through the pipe and head towards the surface. †¢ Leak was spotted too late: The crew at the surface should have been able to see or detect thatRead MoreBp Oil Spill On The Gulf Of Mexico1249 Words   |  5 PagesBrittneigh Campbell POS 303 BP Oil Spill Survey Research Question How did the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 affect our economy and environment, and what does the future hold, with regard to the environment, oil drilling, and sustainability? Introduction For the best range of participants and the east of analyzation, I chose to conduct an electronic survey. I posted the survey (publically) on Facebook. This allowed people from all over the country, from almost all sections of social-economicRead MoreBp Oil Spill Analysis Essay6383 Words   |  26 PagesResearch The spectrums of oil spill issues are diverse and large. They range from environmental issue to economic, ecological, ethical, politics and policies. Among many other oil spills, the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, occurred on April 20, 2010 was recorded as the greatest environmental disaster in our history (BP leak the worlds worst accidental oil spill, 2010). The goal of our research is to seek possible solutions to reduce the risks of offshore oil spills. To attain this goal, we

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