Friday, November 22, 2019

Typical Course of Study - 7th Grade

Typical Course of Study - 7th Grade By the time they are in 7th grade, most students should be reasonably self-motivated, independent learners. They should have a good time-management framework in place, though they will likely still need guidance, and parents should remain actively involved as a source of accountability. Seventh-graders will move onto more complex reading, writing, and math skills and a more in-depth study of previously-learned concepts alongside the introduction of new skills and topics.   Language Arts A typical course of study for 7th-grade language arts includes literature, composition, grammar, and vocabulary building. In 7th-grade, students are expected to analyze text and infer its message, citing the text to support their analysis. They will compare different versions of a document, such as a book and its film  version  or a historical  fiction book with a historical account of the same event or time period. When comparing a book to its movie version, students will learn to notice how elements such as lighting, scenery, or musical score affect the message of the text. When reading text that supports an opinion, students should be able to state whether the author supported his claim with solid evidence and reasons. They should also compare and contrast the texts of other authors presenting the same or similar assertions. Writing should include more in-depth research papers that cite multiple sources. Students are expected to understand how to quote and cite sources and build a bibliography. They are also expected to write well-researched and fact-supported arguments in a clear and logical format. Seventh-grade students should also demonstrate clear, grammatically-correct writing across all subjects, such as science and history. Grammar topics should ensure that students know how to correctly punctuate quoted text and use apostrophes, colons, and semicolons. Math   A typical course of study for 7th-grade math  includes numbers, measurements, geography, algebra, and probability. Typical topics include exponents and scientific notation; prime numbers; factoring; combining like terms; substituting values for variables; simplification of algebraic expressions; and calculating rate, distance, time, and mass. Geometric topics include the classification of angles and triangles; finding the unknown measurement of a triangles side; finding the volume of prisms and cylinders; and determining the slope of a line.   Students will also learn to use a variety of graphs to represent data and to interpret those graphs, and they will learn to compute odds. Students will be introduced to mean, median, and mode.   Science In seventh grade, students will continue to explore general life, earth, and physical science topics using the scientific method.   Although there isnt a specific recommended course of study of 7th-grade science, common life science topics include scientific classification; cells and cell structure; heredity and genetics; and human organ systems and their function. Earth science typically includes the effects of  weather  and climate; properties and uses of water; atmosphere; air pressure;  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹rocks, soil, and minerals; eclipses; phases of the moon; tides; and conservation; ecology and environment. Physical science includes  Newtons laws of motion; the structure of atoms and molecules; heat and energy; the Periodic Table; the chemical and physical changes of matter; elements and compounds; mixtures and solutions; and the properties of waves. Social Studies Seventh-grade social studies topics can vary greatly. As with science, there is no specific recommended course of study. For homeschooling families, the topics covered are usually influenced by their curriculum, homeschooling styles, or personal interests. World history topics may include the Middle Ages; the Renaissance; the Roman Empire; European revolutions; or World War I and World War II.   Students studying American history may cover the Industrial Revolution; the Scientific Revolution; the early 20th century including the 1920s, 1930s, and the Great Depression; and Civil Rights leaders.   Geography may include a detailed study of various regions or cultures, including the history, foods, customs; and religion of the area.  It may also focus on the geographic influences on significant historical events. Art There is no recommended course of study for seventh-grade art. However, students should be encouraged to explore the world of art to discover their interests.   Some ideas include learning to play a musical instrument; acting in a play; creating visual art such as drawing, painting, animation, pottery, or photography; or creating textile art such as fashion design, knitting, or sewing. Technology Seventh-grade students should use technology as part of their studies across the curriculum. They should be competent in their keyboarding skills and have a good understanding of online safety guidelines and copyright laws. In addition to using standard text and spreadsheet applications, students should learn to use tools for collecting data and conducting polls or surveys.  Ã‚   They may also want to publish or share their work using formats such as blogs or video-sharing sites.

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