Saturday, September 28, 2019

Choosing one perspective, either interpretivist or positivist, explain Essay

Choosing one perspective, either interpretivist or positivist, explain and critically evaluate the impact of adopting this pe - Essay Example Methodology refers to the specific methods that can be used to understand the world. Both epistemology and methodology are closely related, the former refers to the philosophy of how we come to know the world and the latter involves the practice (Trochim). Positivism assumes an objective world hence it often searches for facts conceived in terms of specified correlations and associations among variables (Gephart). Positivism is a position that holds that the goal of knowledge is simply to describe the phenomena that we experience (Trochim). The purpose of science according to positivists is to observe and measure. According to positivists, science is the method to get truth, to understand the world, to predict and control the world. The universe is deterministic and they are governed by the rules of cause and effect. This could be understood by using the scientific method. In positivism, deductive method is used for postulating theories. Based on the results, theory is revised to bet ter predict reality (Trochim). The positivists emphasised on empiricism -- the idea that observation and measurement was the core of the scientific endeavour (Trochim). They believed that natural laws could be discerned through direct manipulation and observation. The positivists believe that a phenomenon could be observed and described without interfering with it. They also believe that the observations are repeatable. This is possible by manipulation of reality with variations in only a single independent variable so as to identify regularities in, and to form relationships between, some of the constituent elements of the social world (Chapter Three: Research Methodology). Predictions can also be made on the basis of previous observations and interrelationships between variables. The six tenets of positivism are the following (Positivism) Tenet Meaning Naturalism The principles of the natural sciences should be used for social science. Phenomenalism Only observable phenomena provi de valid information. Nominalism Words of scientific value have fixed and single meanings. The existence of a word does not imply the existence of what it describes. Atomism Things can be studied by reducing them to their smallest parts (and the whole is the sum of the parts). Scientific laws The goal of science is to create generalised laws (which are useful for such as prediction). Facts and values Facts are to sought. Values have no meaning for science. Â  Positivism has a long historical tradition. Often, knowledge not based on positivist thought is not accepted as correct. Most of the empirical studies are based on positivist approach. Positivism was a great success in physical and natural sciences. Positivist tradition can be traced to ancient Greek thinkers Plato and Aristotle. After dark periods in European history, the renaissance came in sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Well known positivists were Bacon, Descartes, Mill, Durkheim, Russell and Popper. Positivism gives emphasis on experiments. Experiments help the researcher to identify the relationship between variables. By using quantitative analytical techniques, generalisations can also be made that reflect real life situation. Surveys help researcher to collect data at one point of time. Information about various practices or views can be collected through questionnaires and interviews. To draw inferences

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