Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Man and the Machine Essay Example for Free

Man and the Machine Essay From the aeon of the history, we have perceived that man has been developing at jet speed in the fields of science and technology. Man, who once lived in the forest, in the natural state, is now on the cliff of mechanical advancement. The question arises today is, â€Å"who made whom? Did machine make man or man made the machine? The question might seem obscure or absurd but it intrigues us to ruminate over. The life leaning upon the Nature has taken a hue turn towards machines. Hence it’s difficult to operate man away from machines and visa versa. With the embrace of machines man has become systematic and machine perspective towards living. Man in history invented machines but became dependent too. Once man had cure in the nature, joy in the lap of nature and lived a satiated life in the bosom of Nature. Machines have denatured man. Machines that assumed â€Å"Nano† forms became part of man. Today one can’t but has to lean on them to survive. At present the machine is helping a small minority to live on at the exploitation of the masses. The motive force of this minority is not humanity and love of their kind, but greed and avarice. The craze of cell-phones is the best example today. We find no men without mobile. It’s a small machine that operates man in all his advancements. It’s not wrong to have such machines but the attachment and dependency of living on them has curtailed human freedom, energy and the strength. Ostensibly, it has become inseparable part of human living. Advances in technology have resulted in man feeling more isolated, alienated and lonesome as computers and i-pods have replaced human interaction. No man is sensitive to their feelings like machines when they are engaged by them. Should machines dominate us –rational, free human beings or should they be used for the development of our skills, talents and relationship? The question is applicable to all. Let us make the best of it to make the world a beautiful place to live in.

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