Saturday, August 31, 2019

Globalization Argumentative Paper Essay

Globalization is term that is being deemed as something new on this planet in the world of business. Truth be told, globalization has been going on for centuries and centuries. Business trade done with other countries and regions of the world occurred and has spawned exploration and commerce from the time Europeans traveled to Asia for spices, South America for various ores of metal, and Africa for diamonds. Globalization is not new, however what is new is the technology and rapidness of communications with the information age, e-commerce, low cost manufacturing, and availability of trade. Globalization in essence has opened a broad spectrum of an interconnected and interdependent world with trade of goods, services and even capital on an international level. One would think that with all the war and strife in the world globally, having commerce to bring countries together would be a positive thing. In a general sense, it does. At the heels of a global economic recovery, most attention is focused on the immediate for the layman or common citizen anywhere in the world. â€Å"How can I feed my family and pay my bills?,† is the question most efforts are focused on realizing, never mind the long term fallout or result. Here in the United States, we have experienced factory closures and relocations outside of the United States, layoffs, economic crises due to the stock market plummeting, higher taxes for the middle class, cost of living rising, etc. It seems the country is trying to recover great financial loss without replacing jobs that have been lost domestically with higher taxes on the people who have lost the most, the middle class. While corporations are busy opening up offices and factories in other countries in a bid to cut overhead costs and have better footing on Wall Street and with their global competitors. There are many advantages to a global economy for large organizations and nations as a whole. For instance, in the United States, corporations are able to do business with businesses with countries that have a low cost of labor. Some of the companies in countries where there are no child labor laws, minimum wage standards, or even sweat shops, are able to secure contracts with U.S. corporations for lower prices than factories and businesses within the U.S. can provide. In addition there are tax breaks for  doing business with certain nations. This is profitable for the corporations but devastating to the United States employees. The middle and lower class workforce on the blue collar level suffer because of lack of employment. Without employment, unemployment benefit payments rise, homes are lost, healthcare is unaffordable, higher education is unattainable, and poverty and crime increases. Unless citizens are able to tap into the information age and develop businesses that tie into e-commerce and self-employment, they are doomed. They cannot maintain the lifestyle they had before, they cannot afford to pay their taxes, and unless U.S. citizens can keep up the amount of taxes for both themselves and to make up the difference for the tax breaks given to the major corporations, the United States stands to run into larger deficit.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Roll of thunder hear my cry

Tailor's novel shows how racism and injustice continues even after when black slavery was ended as it is an unfortunate part of America's history. Cassia experiences racism and injustice in the store at Strawberry since she was treated unfairly since she had to give priority to white people in the queue Just because of the color of her skin. In this essay, it will contain how racism and injustice Is shown when Cassia was at the store, how It affects the reader and the Intentions of the author In this passage.Racial discrimination Is when you are showing abusive behavior towards members of another race, In this case It Is Mr.. Barnett discriminating Cassia. Injustice Is shown throughout the passage as white people were superior to black people as they were segregated by the Jim Crow Laws which gave white people more power over black people. In the passage, Mildred D Taylor shows that racial discrimination still existed during the Great Depression as Cassia was racially abused. For exa mple, â€Å"Whose little Ruggeri Is this! This reveals that Mr.. Barnett Is a racist person as he Is purposely calling classes a â€Å"Ruggeri† which Is offensive to black people. The writers intention to use the word â€Å"Niger† was to show that it was an alternative word to call a black person and how it was used frequently during the Great Depression and the slavery times towards black people. This makes the reader understand the word â€Å"nighÐ’Â « was a word used every day and offensively towards black people during the Great Depression.It was also so common that white people felt it was alright to say â€Å"inning towards a black person since there was no consequences for saying a racist word as black people were inferior. However, even Hough the word â€Å"Niger made Cassia angry since she doesn't understand that white people were superior during the Great Depression but Stacey seems to understand and had to accept this as he is older than Cassia so th erefore, he has experienced more things such as this event but inside him, he retains his anger as he knows the consequences.This creates an effect on the reader as he/she would think this is vile and disgusting so therefore, since Cassia loves making revenge plans, the reader would be eager meaning that he/she will continue reading to find out more. This elapse the reader to understand that even after when black slavery was ended, black people were still continuously discriminated with the word â€Å"Niger† as the Jim Crow Laws kept white people superior to black people. Mildred D Taylor also shows that Injustice still existed during the Great Depression as black people were not allowed to question/speak up for themselves.For example â€Å"This gal your, Hazel? ‘ ‘No sun,' answered the women meekly, stepping hastily away to show she had nothing to do with me†. This shows that black people wasn't allowed to speak up for themselves because of the UK Klux Kla n as they threatened black people. The Jim Crow Laws allowed white people to gain superiority over black people so therefore; If a white person killing a black person, the white person will not be charged meaning that Injustice existed even when slavery was finished so black people lived In fear as Hazel was â€Å"stepping hastily away to show she had nothing to do with† Classes.The writer's Intention was to show that black people wasn't allowed to speak up for themselves so therefore, they still didn't have freedom even after slavery was ended people. This helps the reader to understand that during the Great Depression, black people were muzzled by white people because there was a lot of injustice and racism towards black people which made black people inferior. In the passage, black people were not allowed to touch white people which made black people inferior. For example, â€Å"and tugged on his shirt sleeve to get his attention.He recoiled as if I struck him†. Thi s shows that some white people like Mr.. Barnett didn't like to be touched by black people because he thinks that they are dirty and disgusting as he â€Å"recoiled† when Cassia tried to get his attention. From this, the writer's intention is to show that white people didn't like being in contact with black people as they think they are too superior to them during the Great Depression. The writer also showed that black people was viewed as dirty people so therefore, white people didn't allow black people to touch them.This helps the reader to understand that not only black people was discriminated but they wasn't allowed to touch white people which means they didn't have freedom as they couldn't touch white people and they were treated like filth. The writer also intended too â€Å"recoiled as if I struck him†. This creates an effect n the reader as it gives a better imagery of how Mr.. Barnett reacted when Cassia tried to get his attention. If a black person touched a white person then the black person would be punished and would probably be lynched Just because he touched a white person.This is similar to Emmett Till's case but instead he said â€Å"Bye, baby' to a white female as he was leaving a store but then he was tortured and murdered because of what he said. This shows that black people had no freedom as they could only do certain things towards a white person but instead white people would be able to do anything to them. In the passage, Mildred D Taylor shows that racial discrimination and injustice continued during the Great Depression as black people were treated unfairly. In this case, Mr.. Barnett treated Cassia as an inferior person so he told Cassia to get her â€Å"little black self back over there and wait some more†.This reveals that black people had to be served last in a queue which shows that black people were treated unfairly during the Great Depression as Cassia was forced to wait longer even though she waited for a while. Mr.. Barnett also shows no respect towards black people as he said â€Å"little black self†. The writer's intention is to show that black people was racially discriminated in a shop as they were treated unfairly and had to wait until all the white people was served during the Great Depression.This helps the reader to understand that even black children was racially discriminated during the Great Depression as Cassia had to wait longer until all white people was served but Cassia understands that adults â€Å"ruled things and there was nothing that could be don't about them. † This reveals that Cassia understands things about adults but doesn't understand why white people are superior to white people and also made Cassia upset as she was being so kind to Mr.. Barnett but Mr.. Barnett responded rudely.In conclusion, this passage helps the reader in many ways to understand the theme of racism and injustice such as understanding how life was like being a black per son during the Great Depression, how unfair it was and how they lived in fear such as when Cassia was racially abused by Mr.. Barnett. Injustice and racism is shown throughout the passage as Mr.. Barnett racially discriminates Cassia. The passage also helps the reader to understand the theme of racism and as when Hazel was scared and had to be silenced by Mr.. Barnett.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Best college

After graduating high school there are a couple of ideas on what college I should attend for my career choice. It’s hard on choosing a college that could help me get where I need to go, and the limited transportation that there is to get where I need to go. Going to a community college would be so helpful to me for the extra credits that could help me get into Dudley Beauty College. green river or an even better community college would be helpful to me especially there courses for the credits that I would need to help me out on getting into Dudley. Dudley Beauty College of Washington, is a college for people who live, eat, and sleep about cosmetology. This school helps people to learn the basics on cutting, coloring, re-shaping, and styling hair. I have been cutting hair and dying hair for about 3 years. I started practicing on my hair then went to family and friends. Its also helpful that to watch this TV show called Sheer Genius. They showed you how to use your sheers correctly and explained how to re-shape. While watching this I would pick up some of the materials that I know that would help me in the long run. Then I would practice on me to see how it would turn out and if good enough use on other people. It’s so hard on picking up on how to re-shape or modeling the hair to see if it looks right or if the shape is at its fine point. There are only a few months before graduation to figure out on want community college to start out with and to get a part time job to help with me with my expenses. I need to look up my budget, and with the lack of transportation there is as well. I would need to look at what classes I would need to take in order to get the kind of credits I would need for My BIG Time College. This whole process for me is going to take so much of my time, effort, and money. I don’t care if it takes years on schooling for me to become this hair stylist; it’s my passion and something that I have always wanted to do and I would take this with me for a life experience. Cosmetology is my passion. Dudley Beauty College is one of the best colleges that I know of that will suite me well. There are a lot of good quality’s about Dudley, there academics, there course and there courses to help out the students to achieve our goals. Dudley is the best college for me. This college can really help me out to become this hair stylist that I desperately want to become and to show me the material that there is to be known about to help. Even if it takes years I think that it will be worth it to me. I want to show my family that you can make a living doing this and to also prove that I get to do something that I really enjoy instead doing something that I don’t enjoy. I don’t care what I need to do in order to get into this college just as long as I get in.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Marty (1955 movie) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marty (1955 movie) - Essay Example Choosing a partner in life does not mean choosing who is the best looking amongst the people in town. The main purpose of the rules of self-disclosure is to give therapeutic rewards to people without over-exposing one’s personal life. When a person’s personal life is said to be over-exposed, that personal may feel a bit exploited and get pre-judged by people who barely knew them totally (Roes 22-26). According to Knapp, there are 5 stages of relationship development: 1) initiation, 2) experimenting, 3) intensifying, 4) integrating and 5) bonding. (Suresh, et al., 2) In that pattern, the initiation stage for Marty and Clara was when they had the dance after Clara was dumped by her date for the night. Though Marty got acquainted to Clara’s presence on the wrong note, he was able to make action and a better impression to Clara. Same goes for Clara that though she was crying and was embarrassed by what has transpired. The experimenting stage lasted for many hours that same night. From the Stardust Ballroom dance, they head over to a small luncheonette and further talked. There, they went further to the other stages of relationship development which is intensifying. According to Knapp, this is the stage where it is more of an informal setting in the relationship. Marty and Clara had a talk not about the past anymore but of what they would be doing in the next couple of days, weeks and even months. It is the scene where girls would giggle to see that not all pretty ladies get the better catch and not all good looking males are considered as good catch. It is also the goodness inside of a person that makes them beautiful and pleasant regardless of their outside appearance. They started disclosing more information about their personal life to the other as the other listen attentively as if they would miss information if they would blink. The night ended as Marty was talking Clara to move out of her

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Regulation of Financial Reporting Case Study

The Regulation of Financial Reporting - Case Study Example These restatements reduced previously reported net income as follows: 1997, $28 million (27% of previously reported $105 million); 1998, $133 million (19% of previously reported $703 million); 1999, $248 million (28% of previously reported $893 million); and 2000, $99 million (10% of previously reported $979 million). 1 On December 2, 2001, Enron filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code. With assets of $63.4 billion, it is the largest US corporate bankruptcy.2The Enron Scandal was the most controversial time for the American Financial Markets as the tax-deferred 401(k) retirement plans of the Enron employees were reduced to nothing. The reason Enron's bankruptcy concerns the field of accounting greatly is that its prominent ,long-time auditor, Arthur Andersen, was charged with a large dereliction of duty and even fraud by the press and members of the US Congress and is still facing countless lawsuits. The current position in the Aftermath of this fiasco is that the Securities and Exchange Commission has called for the creation of a new oversight body to regulate and discipline published financial reporting.The SEC, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), and the American Institute of CPAs ( AICPA) are all under constant fire for not having clarified and properly implemented the GAAP rules relating to special-purpose entities which were the sham vehicles of Enron's shoddy accounting financial statements. 3 The following table shows some of the accounting statements/figures for Enron 4 This table shows some of the information that was used to mislead the public about the health and wealth of this promising company. Enron became a household name during its zenith, due to its promising financial records. This table shows the data from Enron Corps Annual Reports with its very promising figures concerning the records of its unconsolidated affiliates. _ SUMMARY OF THE EVENTS LEADING TO THE ENRON DISASTER 1996 The use of unconsolidated SPE's allowing the Senior execs to take money from the Enron accounts without the fact showing on the published financial statements- Senior Executives draw large remunerations for themselves ,and an era of shoddy accounting begins with risky ventures and sunk investments paving the way to financial disaster. 1997 Creation of Chewco to hide debt and inflate profits .. 1998 Financial disasters of capital intensive ventures (including a water distribution scheme and power plants in Brazil.) 1999 Permission by the Enron board of directors to waive conflict of interest rules thus allowing Andrew Fastow to run private companies that do business with Enron. The creation of LJM a sham company which is shown on the records to be buying poorly performing Enron assets. Thus a complex and questionable accounting practices saga begins that will lead to the downfall of Enron's 2000 Filing of fraudulent files for the 10-K , 1999 and forged correspondence on accounting matters.There is a large scale sale of Enron shares and more fraudulent filing of accounts for the third quarter of 2000 2001 This was a crucial year for Enron as its Ceo's committed further security fraud by omitting the company's poor financial and the Enron executives got bonus checks for millions of dollars.Ironically at this time Enron was named

Monday, August 26, 2019

Analysing Financial Information Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysing Financial Information - Essay Example External reporting of accounts through various financial statements is regulated and must comply with various legal requirements as well. Accounts must be regulated in order to provide a true and fair view of the affairs of any business concern. Compliance being the most important issue, every financial accounts prepared by any domestic company in UK must comply with the Company Act. Regulation of accounts and accounting procedures helps the stakeholders of the company like the investors, consumers, etc. to gather information about various financial aspects of the company which can help them in various decision making process. Not only this, regulated accounts can help in detecting various anti-competitive behaviour like unfair cross-subsidisation etc. Moreover it helps in comparative competition. Also the financial health of a company can be monitored using regulated accounts. (Chief executive of Ofgem et. al, 2001, p.3) Generally Accepted Accounting Practice, a compilation of accou nting practices that help in guiding the company accounts in UK, entails how to prepare company accounts in UK. Accounting Standards Board (ASB) is the primary source of Accounting Standards out of many and it can be said to be the standard-setter in this case. ASB is also in charge for setting the Financial Reporting Standards (FRS). ASB is once again a part of Financial Reporting Council (FRC) which has replaced the Accounting Standards Committee (ASC) in 1990. Urgent Issues Task Force (UITF) assists the ASB in dealing with matters which requires clarifications or changes in practice of accounting due to non-compliance with existing legislation or standards. Financial Reporting Review Panel (FRRP) is the other part of FRC which has the responsibility of enquiring about the company accounts where there is a sign or indication of violating the Companies Act requirements. (Bebbington & Song, n.d, p.74) The principle legislation that governs the reporting of company accounts in UK has been stated clearly in the Companies Act 2006. Companies Act 2006 also incorporates the requirements of the law in Europe. Initially Companies Act set out the reporting requirement for companies in UK which were limited by extent. In 2005 however, certain changes were incorporated in the European law. It stated that all listed companies in Europe would report as per the guidelines of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) while the non listed ones were given the option of reporting either under IFRS or as per the norms of GAAP. Domestic companies of UK whose shares and other securities are listed on the London Stock Exchange, are required to comply with the regulations issued by UK Listing Authorities (UKLA) along with UK GAAP. Additional requirements for domestic companies are included in the Listing Rules, such as additional disclosures about directors and corporate governance. International Accounting Standards (IAS) can now become law in the European Union (EU) with the process set up by the regulation. The regulation only

Effective Leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Effective Leadership - Research Paper Example This definition makes leadership accessible to everyone since it does not restrict it to the formally designated leaders in a group. Effective leadership is hard to realize. Although it is possible to give an unending list of leaders, this paper proves that a limited number of these many leaders eventually realize effective leadership. Effective leadership has been the focus of many of the individuals enlisted as leaders. However, John and Joseph (2009) collected data and their statistics shows that less than 30% of the leaders realize this long-term goal. It involves influence, as its principal concern is how the leader affects followers. Influence is the sine qua non of leadership, without which leadership does not exist. Groups are the context through which leadership takes place. Leaders engage themselves in influencing individuals in a group to a particular common purpose (Minja, 2009). The group in question can be a small task group, a community group, a faith based group or a large group encompassing an entire organization. Therefore, defining leadership as a process does not encompass training programmes, which teach people to lead themselves since the group aspect in leadership does not exist. Leadership can be categorized either as good or bad. Of all management concepts, good leadership is the most investigated but least understood by many people. In defining effective leadership, Barbara & John (2005) asserted that it must incorporate dialogue, conviction and delegation rather than issuing orders. In this regard, the two authors argue that genuine leaders recognise and achieve agreement to an exciting and challenging vision. They do not only promote performance of individuals but also of complete groups and obtain commitment within their own working group (Lok & Crawford, 2009). Effective leaders know what they want: they communicate their intentions efficiently, empower others and know when they should keep the way

Sunday, August 25, 2019

EMBA 530 Innovation and entreprenuership initial post Essay

EMBA 530 Innovation and entreprenuership initial post - Essay Example nchisor’s quality standards; (2) the franchisor (a) has significant control over how the franchisee operates its business, or (b) significantly assists the franchisee in operating its business; and (3) the franchisee is obligated to make a payment or to promise to pay the franchisor to being operating the franchise† (U.S. GPO, 2013). Clearly, franchising is governed by legalities because rights overlap in these types of businesses. The franchisor and the franchisee are limited in their prerogatives – an important consideration in considering whether the franchise is actually an enterprise (MumdÃ… ¾iev & Windsperger, 2011). There are pros and cons to a positive answer. Entrepreneurs should be able to assess their environment and determine marketing strategies including determining product design, pricing strategy, distribution and promotion, also finance and production methods – capabilities which in a franchise are often stipulated by the franchisor. On the other hand, it may be argued that the franchisee is an entrepreneur because he risks his own capital and actually runs the business (unlike a mere investor), and also strategizes in terms of place because it is often the franchisee who chooses the venue and provides the physical facilities. It may be argued in this case that the franchisee still did the strategic choices when he chose one particular franchisor in a pool of many other alternatives. As a legal entity created by mutual assent, the nature of the franchise is determined largely by the specific contract entered into by the franchisor and the franchisee. The franchisor may be relatively liberal, i.e. letting the franchisee determine the product offerings like McDonald’s did in India where people do not eat beef, or the contract may be very specific such as McDonald’s franchises within the U.S. Ketchen, Short & Combs (2011) have asked the same question distinguishing enterprise from franchise, and instead of giving a straightforward

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Alternative Energy vs. Fossil Fuels Research Paper

Alternative Energy vs. Fossil Fuels - Research Paper Example Indeed, alternative energy sources provide both the environmental safety benefits and reliability of energy supply not provided by fossil fuels. Early human beings used various natural sources of energy for their activities, notably wind, solar and water. But with the Industrial Revolution came the dependence on coal as a source of energy for American factories and later adopted worldwide. According to Brazier, this dependence borrowed from the primary energy source which came about in the same period; petroleum. The European-Americans brought a new meaning to this resource which had previously been considered as a nuisance by farmers. Altogether, coal, natural gas, and oil, considered as fossil fuels from animals and plants that existed millions of years ago, which were then buried underneath the surface of the earth and due to pressure transformed into combustible materials have been largely used as fuel. The first deposits of fossil fuels were discovered in the Cambrian period. Bu t the modern world has become more aware on the non-renewable nature of these fossil fuels and the negative impact of its by-products and has hence appreciated the use of alternative sources of energy including solar, wind and water. The current debate that surrounds the use of either of these energy sources calls for elaborate evaluation so as to ensure the sustainability of the environment and continued effective industrial processes. The current generation and distribution of power in most areas have been operated on fossil fuels, popularly coal. The portability of fossil fuels makes it easy for organizations to easily store and transport the energy source when needed, be it fuel oil to be used in a furnace or coal to be used at a coal plant.  

Friday, August 23, 2019

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategic management - Essay Example Thus, it has become imperative for airliners to re-engineer their operations to fit the requirements of strategies like low-cost and differentiation. According to the Porter’s five forces model, the industry situation has led to a decline in the attractiveness of the industry for new entrants. These new entrants would come up with some sort of an edge to beat the entrenched airlines of the industry. The industry is also overseeing a period in which the bargaining power of suppliers and customers both are high. Customers are demanding additional benefits at low cost, whereas suppliers like Oil companies are seeking high prices for fuel. The dynamics of the industry are such that the rivalry amongst competitors is high. Since the customer base has shrink as a result of the world recession, therefore airlines are competing to attract customers towards them by offering differentiated services. Moreover, recent investment by the government on the infrastructure of railways and road network has lead to a situation in which threat of substitute is high for this industry. The results of these two strategic analysis tools show that the airline industry is overseeing a period of unprecedented level of competition and operating environment. Therefore, each airliner needs to come up with operational excellence that allows it to run low cost operations, which has become imperative for the industry participants. How the Airlines are maintaining low cost operations: Airlines, which have adopted a low cost operational mode, have been very stringent when it comes to spending their resources. They have expanded their operations in to new regions only when they were confident that they had the resource to support this initiative. These carriers never go into a head-to-head battle with long distance carriers. Moreover, these airlines try to keep their debt position very strong by not taking too much debt to fund their fleet operations. These airlines have designed an operat ional method that allows them to be short haul, high frequency, and low fare and point-point carriers. In addition, these air carriers have identified a market niche that is a best fit to their style of operations, which enables these airlines to serve them efficiently and economically. Most importantly, these airlines have ripped away the costs associated with extravagant customer servicing. Such costs are associated with frills, lunch and ticketing material. All such costs have been taken away from the operations of these airlines. Conclusion: Harsh economic conditions coupled by rising cost of fuel have made it imperative upon airlines to streamline their operations. Airlines have to come up with a cost structure that is effective and efficient. This cost structure should be incorporated in the operational design of these airlines so that the airline can generate profits from its operations. In this regards many airlines have adopted a low cost strategy under which they have take n certain actions that have been discussed above. Strategic Evaluation of the Strategic Options for Future Growth for the EAI Companies: Recent economic crisis have led airliners in a messy situation. These airliners are now facing a situation in which they have revenues declining at an exponential rate. Moreover,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet Essay Example for Free

Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet Essay I personally do not think there are many positive aspects of stereotypes. You cannot form judgments about everyone in a group based on one person. Just because one has tattoos, it doesn’t mean that they are tough, scary, or delinquent. Ones choice to have tattoos is their creative way of expressing themselves. Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet 2 Negative Aspects of Stereotypes Stereotypes have several negative aspects. When people are put into these groups, people judge them before getting to know them and forming opinions on what kind of person they are without even giving the person a chance. It causes people to think negatively based on someone else opinion. Stereotypes and Prejudice Defined and Their Differences A stereotype is a thought that may be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things, but that belief may or may not accurately reflect reality. Prejudice is an opinion or judgment that disregards the facts. Stereotypes are actually loosely based on fact.. Irish like to drink fight, Southern people are all dumb, Latinos are sexy good dancers, etc. Prejudice is when people judge someone they meet based on stereotypes. The Relationship between Stereotypes and Prejudice. While they may seem similar at first they are actually quite different. Stereotyping is assuming that all people belonging to a certain group will all behave in a certain way. This is not always done with negative intentions; its often done through a lack of understanding Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet 3 or knowledge, and sometimes even through humor. Prejudice is displaying negative feelings or actions towards a specific group of people because of something that separates them from others, and is almost always done through hatred or fear of the thing that makes them different. Preventing Prejudice You cant prevent it entirely. But education is a big thing. Helping people get to know and understand other groups and cultures. Teaching and learning that all people are created equally. That no matter what their race, gender, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation we are all human. Making sure that people know the effects of being prejudice causes and that it will not be tolerated. Being open-minded and do not be so quick to pass judgment.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Significance of Sarah Essay Example for Free

The Significance of Sarah Essay The Significance of Sarah, Jimmy and Doalty Doalty, Sarah and Jimmy Jack Cassie have three main roles in Translations. Firstly, they represent those Irish people who will be left behind during the development of the country by the English. Secondly, they all contribute to the concluding scene and its outcome. And thirdly, they all in some way represent Ireland as a whole. Unlike Maire and Owen, none of these three characters has any desire to leave Baile Beag. When Jimmy Jack sets out on a spring morning in 1798 with Hugh to join the rebellion he, like Hugh, soon feels homesick and returns eagerly to where he feels he belongs And it was there in Phelans pub reminisces Hugh that we got homesick for Athens, just like Ulysses. The desiderium nostrorum the need for our own. Jimmy Jack, the peasant scholar, is a personification of a past, idealised Ireland when Ireland kept alive the light of learning during Europes Dark Ages. His filthy clothes, and shabby exterior are compensated for by the inner richness of his cultivated mind. Again he is like Ireland, materially poor but possessed of cultural wealth. Yolland appreciates both Jimmy Jacks knowledge and the different order of experience presented by Irish culture. For Jimmy Jack, the classics and everyday life are interwoven. For the lonely, ageing man, the gods of Greece and Rome move as easily around Baile Beag as they do around Ancient Rome and Athens. He even turns to the classics for practical tips on farming, telling Doalty that he should follow the advice given in Book Two of Virgils Georgics and give his upper field over to corn rather than potatoes. Although Jimmy Jack is obviously quite capable of learning English, as he has managed to learn the more complicated languages of Latin and Greek, he does not seem to want to learn English. His knowledge of English and England itself is minimal to him they are unimportant and lack poetry. It is possible that when speaking English became essential, he would not be ble to conform. As Hugh observes, Jimmy Jack sees himself as shaped by a mythological history, based in the classics, rather than real history that is affected by the here and now. The idea of fluency in English being necessary to progress, either as an individual or a country, is totally lost on him. In the final act of the play he seems to lose touch with reality informing Hugh of his engagement to the Gre ek goddess, the flashing-eyed Athene. His confusion of reality with mythology has become complete. And yet in his conversation with Maire in the same scene, he provides an insightful commentary on the plays action on marrying inside and outside the tribe. Although he is in fact talking about his supposed engagement to Pallas Athene, it seems to Maire and the audience as if he is warning Maire about her relationship with Yolland. Either marry outside the tribe and cause possible conflict, or be safe and marry inside the tribe i. e. Manus. And the word exogamein means to marry outside the tribe. And you dont cross those borders casually both sides get very angry. These sentiments would have been recognised by the modern Irish 1980 audience, as mixed marriages between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland can be problematic even today. The idea of not marrying outside the tribe can apply to childhood friendships and schools also you stick to your own kind. By contrast with Jimmy Jack, the Infant Prodigy, Doalty is quite a slow learner he struggles with the Latin and Greek that Hugh throws at him and his arithmetic is similarly painful. More than any of the other characters, he speaks in Irish slang and with a more common type of vocabulary and phrasing. Aul fella, the wee get aul eejit too lazy be Jases. Again, unlike Jimmy Jack, he is a man of action whose knowledge is limited to farming. He alone seems to worry about the cows going mad in the heat. In a way he almost a stereotype of the slow, thick Irish peasant. His name is pronounced Dolt-y, as Maire points out. He is also a mischief maker (taking the Sappers poles) and pote ntially confrontational (in the face of Lanceys threats of eviction, he declares he would put up a fight for his property, for what little he has). Although Doalty is shown as basically good-natured throughout the play, despite his boisterous behaviour, he has links with the Donnelly twins who may be associated with more serious acts against the English soldiers (the horses found at the bottom of the cliff, the disappearance of Yolland and the fire at the camp). Under certain circumstances we could imagine Doalty becoming less pleasant. In Act 3, Doalty clearly has knowledge of Yollands disappearance. He confesses to Owen that the Donnelly twins are most likely responsible, but he still acts suspiciously himself, whistling through his teeth and ignoring further questions. He tells Owen that Manus should never have left, implying that Manus has implicated himself in the crime by doing so, but plainly Doalty knows the truth. By his persistent concealment of what he knows about Yollands disappearance, Doalty is siding with the possibly murderous Donnelly twins and exposing Baile Beag to the soldiers retaliation. All that follows beyond the span of the play in terms of the destruction of the animals and the village is a consequence in part of Doaltys silence. Sarah is the least able to learn English and by implication therefore the least capable of moving on and embracing new ways as she has an obvious speech defect that is so bad that all her life she has been considered dumb. Her communication has been confined to grunts and nasal sounds, according to Friels opening description of her. At the beginning of the play she is learning to speak with Manuss assistance and can say her own name, opening up a whole new world of possibilities: Now were really started! Manus says to her. Nothingll stop us now! Nothing in the wide world! . But by the end, under Lanceys intimidation, she loses her newfound ability and the wider horizons and again becomes mute, despite Owens encouragement to speak, and is forced once again to communicate in a sign language that is not always understood. Even though Owen tries to kindly reassure her He frightened you. Thats alls wrong. Sarah herself knows to the contrary. Without Manus to support and guide her, she cannot hold on to her new ability to communicate. However, while she could speak we must assume that she gave vital information to Manus: the embrace she witnessed between Yolland and Maire. This leads to the implication of Manus in Yollands disappearance I had a stone in my hand when I went out looking for him I was going to fell him. The lame scholar turned violent. Her presumed part in the plot is pivotal: if she had not told Manus of the kiss, Yolland might never have disappeared, Manus would not have had to leave Baile Beag, the village would not have been threatened with destruction and Sarah herself would not have been abandoned by her mentor. It has been suggested that in the scene with Lancey in which she loses her power of speech, Sarah represents Ireland. As she closes her mouth and lowers her head, according to the stage directions, the parallel is drawn with Ireland losing both her language and her power. Although Sarah, Jimmy and Doalty are all minor characters in terms of lines spoken and appearances in the play, they all make an essential contribution to the play, either in contributing to or commenting on the plot. By Act Three in contrast to the cheerful optimism of Act One, they and the play have become much darker. Sarah has lost the power of speech as well as the man who helped her discover it; Jimmy Jack has crossed the boundary between reality and fantasy, and Doalty through his concealment of the truth, has put the village and its people in danger.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Beliefs of filipino women: Traditional feminine gender

Beliefs of filipino women: Traditional feminine gender A 2 (US women vs. Filipino women) X 2 (daughters vs. mothers) ANOVA matched group design with the OKelly Women Beliefs Scale (2010) scores as the dependent variable was conducted to study irrational beliefs about traditional feminine gender schema from a Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) perspective (Ellis, 1956) in a sample of Filipino women living in the US. Results indicated significant main effect for cross-cultural differences among the two racial groups, but no significant main effect was found for generational differences among the groups. A Post-hoc Least Significant Difference (LSD) performed on the four subscale scores of the OWBS also showed significant differences in Demand with Filipino women scoring higher than their US counterparts, and scores of both groups in Awfulizing, Negative Self-talk/Rating, and Low Frustration Tolerance (LFT) were not significantly different. Keywords: Filipino women, irrational beliefs, gender schema, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, OKelly Women Beliefs Scale Irrational Beliefs about Traditional Feminine Gender Schema of Filipino Women Living in the United States This study evaluates the cross-cultural and intergenerational differences among Filipino women and US women living in the United States in regard to their beliefs about the traditional feminine sex role using the OKelly Women Beliefs Scale (2010). Several factors of acculturation greatly affect the international migration, economic globalization, and political conflicts that arise in the creation of multicultural societies (Enrile Agbayani, 2007), that studies regarding this matter are essential in understanding it in a deeper sense. There is a great quantity of literature regarding feminine topics written within the conceptual scheme of the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy or REBT (Wolfe, 1985; Wolfe Naimark, 1991). The founding practitioner of REBT, Albert Ellis, developed this form of psychotherapy to assist his clients in the reconstruction of how they perceive their distress by asserting the importance of taking it on with a more philosophical outlook. When Ellis changed Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) to its present name of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), he acknowledged the possible odds in using the term rational as ideas concerning it may vary across cultures (Ellis, 1999). Ellis always emphasized the importance of taking his clients cultural background into consideration when analyzing their viewpoint and attitude towards life. It has been considered that the development of the Womens Belief Scale coincide with the criteria described by Locksley and Colten (1979), who highlight that the use o f a term within a questionnaire involves self-evaluations and supposes comparisons of itself that were not present like in Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI; Bem, 1974) in the developmental process of the items; this allows a significant effect of measurements on the representation of the feminine gender that provides a distinct point of view of what behaviors are appropriate for females. The view of womans proper place being in the home fulfilling their domesticity, motherhood and pleasing their husbands, isolated from the public world of men did not always dominate the Western culture (OKelly, 1980). It was not until the rise of capitalism when independent businessmen could afford to support their dependent wives and children kept within the confines of a private home, that this view of womens roles started to greatly influence the modern Western culture (OKelly, 1980). By the eighteenth century, these roles sporadically spread to the less affluent classes and eventually became the Western ideal for women (OKelly, 1980). In the recent years, with the help of the feminist movement, dramatic changes in the Western social roles expected from women are continuously taking place. Feminists insist that those customary views of womens roles immensely limit and restrain them from taking their places as full adults in the society (OKelly, 1980). However, less developed countries continue to have strict views on the roles of the women in their society and they intend to maintain their cultural beliefs regarding this matter. There are hardly any studies done to examine the influence and effects of these societal roles placed on women from less developed countries, like the Philippines, in their response to acculturation and attitude towards life. The OKelly Womens Belief Scale was developed within the scheme of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy or REBT, reflecting the process of beliefs about Demand, Awfulizing, Global Rating, Low Frustration Tolerance (LFT) and Negative Self Rating. To develop this scale, 2,562 questionnaires were sent to women that worked in great companies. With the data obtained of 974 questionnaires, the OKelly subscales were developed: Demand, Awful, Low Frustration Tolerance (LFT) and Rating, which are irrational nuclear conclusions or beliefs previously mentioned. Each of these scales has internal consistency. The test-retest reliability and validity have been established by the results of a sample that consisted of 285 women, wherein 37 also completed The OKelly Womens Belief Scale a month later. In the measurement of the irrational thought from an REBT perspective, previous studies (Lega Ellis, 2001; Kumar, Lega, Bladiwalla, 2007) indicate cross cultural and generational differences in the samples of USA, Latin America, Europe and India. Filipino Americans are one of the fastest growing minority groups in the United States as they are the second largest Asian American ethnic group, and the second largest number of immigrants to the United States (Ong Loksze, 2003). Recent studies suggest that acculturation, changes in attitude or values that result from the contact of one culture with another (Berry, 1997), may have something to do with attitudes towards women (Enrile Agbayani, 2007). According to Berry (1997), there are four acculturation strategies: separation, marginalization, integration, and assimilation. Separation refers to favoring ones original culture and refraining from interacting with the host culture, whereas marginalization is when one does not actively maintain either his own original culture or the host culture (Choi Thomas, 2007). On the other hand, integration refers to favoring ones own culture while at the same time interacting with the host culture, and assimilation is when one abandons his o riginal culture in favor of the host culture (Choi Thomas, 2007). The international relationship between United States and the Philippines has a rich and unique history that has made the Filipinos very well familiar to the American culture that even allowed them to easily adopt the English language, educational institutions, democratic belief system, and faith in the American Dream (Enrile Agbayani, 2007). Most Filipino immigrants arrive in the United States with a vast knowledge about the local culture and the English language (Enrile Agbayani, 2007). Filipino women living in the US, mostly as immigrants, try to adapt to their host countrys cultural values while striving to preserve their own at the same time. Like other individuals from impoverished nations, especially those who have spent most of their lives in their native countries, Filipinos are also well aware of how difficult it can be to live in a country of limited opportunities like the Philippines. However, like other immigrant groups, they also praise the United States as a land of s ignificant economic opportunity but simultaneously denounce it as a country inhabited by corrupt and individualistic people of questionable morals (Espiritu, 2001). Parents of first generation Filipino children enforce high expectations especially on their daughters. Espiritus interviews suggest that there is an idealized notion of womanhood based on traditional Filipino values and beliefs (Espiritu, 2001). This idealized notion of womanhood is for a woman to think of her family (collective vs. individual values), to gain good education (in order to help better the family), remain chaste, dutiful, and obedient (Agbayani-Siewert, 1994). Older children, girls in particular, are expected to care for their younger siblings and perform household duties even at an early age (Enrile Agbayani, 2007). Past studies suggest that while the older female is given more responsibilities, privileges are made easily accessible usually to males in the family. Most Filipino women, who participated in past studies, also reported that their parents treated them more strictly while growing up as compared to their brothers (Enrile Agbayani, 2007). As they grow older, Filipino women are expected to display characteristics of a Maria Clara, or the proper, marriage-minded, Filipino Catholic woman with good morals (West, 1992). This stereotyped representation of an ideal Filipino woman continues to exist in the present time. Filipino women were taught and encouraged to be publicly submissive so that it will appear that men are the ones in control (Cimmarusti, 1996). Almirol (1982), a researcher who performed a qualitative study on Filipino American farm laborers from Salinas, California, found that a higher value was placed on males over females and that women were discouraged to display power in public. Scholars have shown that the Maria Clara stereotype is not only used by certain Filipino feminist nationalist, but also by first generation Filipino immigrants (Ignacio, 2000). Prior researchers show that despite the high cultural expectations enforced on Filipino children by their parents, they appear to have easily assimilated into the American society as the Filipino population in the US has a high rate of college graduates, and most of these graduates are immigrants from the Philippines (Enrile Agbayani, 2007). Different perspectives suggest the existence of change and differences in attitudes and interests from one generation to the other, as well as in the cross-cultural factor. This study was conducted in the USA wherein Filipino daughters and mothers, and their counterparts used The OKelly Women Beliefs Scale examine the differences in gender roles and the ethno-cultural scheme. Method Participants Two matched groups according to age of daughters (from 17-25 yrs. of age) vs. their mothers (45 75 yrs. of age) and culture of origin (70 Filipino vs. 70 USA) living in the USA participated in the study. Instrument The OKelly Women Beliefs Scale (OKelly, 2010) was used. The scale consists of 92 items in which the participant indicated the degree of agreement or disagreement using a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). This is divided into four subscales: Demand, Awfulizing, Low Frustration Tolerance and Negative Self Rating. Procedure The participants completed the questionnaires individually and anonymously. It took approximately 45 minutes to complete. Participants were also advised to refrain from answering the questionnaire with their mother/daughter. Results A 2-way ANOVA (culture and generation) with total OWBS scores as the dependent variable showed a significant main effect for Culture, F(1, 140) = 37.681, p .05) Posthoc (LSD) comparisons between Filipino and US women for all four subscale scores of the OWBS showed significant differences, with Filipino women scoring higher than US women in Demand: F(1, 140) = 5.265, p .05). No significant results were found for Generation, or for the interaction between Culture x Generation (p>.05) Discussion As one of the fastest growing groups of Asian immigrants, Filipino immigrants are purposely trying to become part and to develop a positive attitude towards acculturating to the host culture, at least to some extent. However, it is understandable that the process of acculturation have a distinct influence in the immigrants viewpoint and attitude towards life. The results suggest that the overall total scores of US-Filipino compared to US women were higher than the latter. Recent studies might suggest that acculturation may play a part in Filipino womens irrational beliefs about themselves. A past study on acculturation by Phinney and Flores (2002), affirms that the two dimensions of the phenomenon (mainstream adaptation and ethnic retention) can be independent and have different influences to its outcomes. The results of their study showed that the bicultural (integrated) individual is more likely to be involved in mainstream American society as well as to manifest sex role attitudes closely similar to that of the mainstream, and yet manage to retain their own racial social networks and native language. Later generations of immigrants are also expected to be more prone to changes associated with both dimensions of acculturation; that is, they typically retain less of their ethnic culture and tend to be more accepting of the host culture t han earlier generations (Phinney Flores, 2002). On the other hand, the present study showed no significant effect for generational differences (mother vs. daughter) in either culture (US-Filipino or US women). It was expected that Filipino women would score higher than their US counterparts because of societal expectations and traditional gender schema on women. Filipino women are expected to manifest certain characteristics such as capability of building a family, running the household and responsibility for taking care of others need before her own to name a few. Some researchers propose that immigrants do not simply yield their old or native values for new ones, but rather select, and modify to adapt to the new environment (Choi Thomas, 2007; Buriel, 1993; Mendoza, 1989). Although most Filipino immigrants eventually become accustomed to their new environment, they also retain their traditional cultural traits, beliefs, values, and mores which may result to a conflict in their b elief system and a higher level of irrational belief. However, when it comes to Generation, the non-significant differences between Filipino daughters and mothers may be found in that the cultural expectation of both generations (Filipino mothers vs. Filipino daughters) has rooted its ideals from our past generations belief as a collective community as opposed to individualistic values. It is an integral characteristic of the ideal Filipino family to have children who highly adhere to the familys values and principles and to behave according to these passed on standards. Daughters are taught to greatly exhibit the same positive qualities that their mothers exhibit and this practice have a substantial influence on the non-significant differences in the point of view of both generations. In terms of posthoc comparisons, where individual sub scale scores were obtained for Demand, Awfulizing, Negative Self Talk and LFT, a significant effect was only found on Demand of Filipino women vs. US women. This suggests that Filipino women experience higher emotional stress than their US counterparts. First generation immigrants, as they are called, sometimes experience acculturation and cultural pressure to adapt. Cultural adaptation to the host country may suggest conflict with the traditional culture of the heritage country while parents try to raise their children on both cultures. Prior researches show that Filipino immigrants tend to lose their traditional customs and values as they acculturate to ways of life in the United States (Del Prado Church, 2010). Being torn between adhering to their conservative cultural values and the ability to access the opportunities of their contemporary American culture can create stress and conflict (Napholz Mo, 2010). The Socio-cultural differences that include the Asian collective culture versus the American individual culture, extended versus dominant nuclear family lifestyle, isolative American lifestyle, womens roles, communication styles, and child-rearing practices have a vast impact on the Filipino immigrant womens self-esteem and sense of control over their lives (Napholz Mo, 2010). As Filipino women become more acculturated to their host countrys cultural values, factors such as their origins, psychosocial and economic stress, as well as their compliance to traditional cultural values may have an influence in the nature and quality of their present lives (McBride, Morioka-Douglas, Yeo, 1996). High scores on each subscale according to the OKelly Women Belief Scales or OWBS (OKelly, 2010) suggest that Filipino women have higher irrational beliefs on the traditional feminine gender role as their culture may have manifested on them over the years. The Demand subscale (element at which people reveal their musts and shoulds) suggests that Filipino women need to reach certain expectations according to their culture. A high score in this subscale suggests that Filipino women, compared to US women strive more to reach expectations set forth by their society as a result from a collectivist point of view. Almost every society has prescribed roles that women and men are expected to satisfy, however the strictness of these standards vary across cultural societies. In the Filipino culture, individuals that belong to the society are expected to respect and conform to the rules of the society as exactly as possible. Deviating from the accepted norms and social roles brings forth unforgiving criticisms not just from the society at large, but by ones own immediate family as well. A traditional Filipino family is not usually inclined to being tolerant to issues and practices foreign to them, as they believe that everyone should behave accord ing to what is widely accepted. Thus, the process of acculturating to a new culture that has some aspects that conflict with the Filipino culture can be very perplexing and stressful to Filipino women striving to develop positive attitudes toward the process. An example question from this subscale was I must have a child to be fulfilled; Filipinos are expected to be capable of building a family and both generations (mother vs. daughter) must reach this expectation as their society and past generations expects them to. This idealized notion of womanhood is for a woman to think of her family (collective vs. individual) (Agbayani-Siewert, 1994) as mentioned came from most of the Oriental cultures belief of collectivism vs. individualism. In short, the expectation that Filipino women would score higher than their US counterparts because of societal expectations and traditional gender schema on women was confirmed.

Terrorism, Surveillance, and Radio-Transmitters :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Terrorism, Surveillance, and Radio-Transmitters      Ã‚  Ã‚   ABSTRACT: This paper is an introduction into the discussion of different types of surveillance equipment. The paper centers on different intelligence agencies worldwide that use surveillance equipment, the types of information they need, and how they go about gathering the information. There is also a discussion on the most common type of surveillance equipment used by intelligence agencies, the radio transmitter. The transmitter is described in detail and its myriad of uses in surveillance are illustrated. Finally the ethical question of using surveillance devices that infringe upon the privacy of the individual is discussed.    The topic of our presentation was surveillance, however in order to get a better understanding of the need for surveillance in todays world it is necessary to investigate the role of intelligence organizations, who are one of the major users of surveillance equipment. This paper will analyze the purpose of intelligence organizations, look at the types of information these agencies are seeking, and identify key international intelligence agencies. Moreover the most common type of surveillance equipment used by intelligence agencies worldwide,the radio transmitter, will be examined and explained.    In a dissimilar world, with nations having many different political, economic, and social agendas, information is truly a prime element of a nation's power. Thus intelligence agencies have developed in all major countries to "collect and evaluate information for the purpose of discovering the capabilities and intention of their rivals."[1] In the United States, the importance of this type of information is illustrated by Executive Order No. 12333 which states that the nations intelligence system must "Provide the President with the necessary information on which to base decisions concerning the conduct and development of foreign, defense, and economic policy, and the protection of US. national interests from foreign security threats by any legal means necessary."[2] Consequently, collection of intelligence information is of prime importance for nations to subsiste.    The sources of this intelligence information come from two broad categories: public and covert. When most people think of intelligence organizations they automatically think of James Bond movies and other clandestine spy missions, however over 80% of the information that these intelligence organizations collect comes from public sources like newspapers, media, government documents, embassies, and diplomats. Only about 20% of the information comes from covert sources, but this 20% of the information often turns out to be the most valuable.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Machiavelli Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Niccolo Machiavelli, one of the great political minds of the 15th century, accomplished what many mathematicians today only dream of, having one’s name used as an adjective. To be Machiavellian is to demonstrate characteristics of expediency, deceit, and cunning and as Machiavelli wrote in, The Prince, these are the qualities of a great leader. The Prince was published in 1531, creating great controversy with other political thinkers of the time. Machiavelli completely ignored the popular religious teachings of the era and erased the moral and ethical considerations from the leadership equation; the actions of a ruler should be governed solely by necessity. â€Å"Since I intend to write something useful to an understanding reader, it seemed better to go after the real truth of the matter then to repeat what people have imagined† (221). The predominate theme of The Prince is that it is the responsibility of any leader to secure and maintain the polit ical power of their state by any means necessary. One can consider many leaders in history who took this to heart, some into success and some into infamy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Using the cold light of pure reasoning, Machiavelli analyzed human behavior and concluded that man is not good. Therefore, it is necessary for a leader who wishes to remain in power to learn how to not be good and to use this behavior and knowledge and bring it to bear on the decision he is making. â€Å"Hence a Prince who wants to keep his post must learn how not to be good, and use that knowledge, or refrain from using it, as necessity requires† (222). Machiavelli not only wanted people to let go of the idealistic fact that man is not pure at heart, but to take it a step further and embrace this assumption. Those who do embrace this assumption as a fundamental ‘given’ will be the ones with the power to manipulate and control the masses. â€Å"Men are so simple of mind and so much dominated by their immediate needs, that a deceitful man will always find plenty who are ready to be deceived† (228). Decades of thought about religion and po litics are intertwined in this thought. The common man willing to give up their free will to that of a higher power and many a deceitful theologian willing to exploit that ignorant passivity for their own purposes. Why does Machiavelli has such a low view of man? Was he just cynical ... ...orals have no place in politics because they prevent the ruler from doing what must be done to maintain control. †No prince should mind being called cruel for what he does to keep his subjects united and loyal; he may make examples of a very few, but he will be more merciful in reality than those who, in their tenderheartedness, allow disorders to occur, with their attendant murders and lootings† (225).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Getting a large, mostly Christian populace to suspend ethics and morality for the greater good is no small task. Machiavelli was making a statement about how society really functions rather than how people choose to perceive it. While still very controversial in a timeless way, Machiavelli makes some excellent points and his logic does produce results and much food for thought. However, there is one aspect Machiavelli failed to consider, are results the only thing that are important to a society? What is sacrificed to achieve his ultimate end? And is that price worth paying?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Machiavelli, Niccolo. â€Å"The Morals of the Prince.† 50 Essays: A Portable Anthology. Ed. Samuel Cohen. NY, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004. 221-229

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Why I Chose An All Womens College :: essays research papers

Rasheedah Phillips Why Bryn Mawr? As a young woman growing up in an urbanized setting and attending public schools all of my life, when the time came to start planning and searching for colleges, I searched for schools that I felt fit my persona, that I would be comfortable attending for some of the most integral years of my life. My search included schools such as Temple University, and Pennsylvania State University, higher education institutions that allowed me to challenge myself, but at the same time would put me in a setting where I would be with others just like myself, fitting into the standard American university fashion. The thought of an all women’s college never once crossed my mind in envisioning my â€Å"perfect school†, and when it was introduced to me, it was through the prodding of a high school counselor who felt that my intelligence would be better realized and liberated at a school such as Bryn Mawr. After carefully researching Bryn Mawr and all it had to offer as an elite academic institution with stringent admissions requirements and its strong reputation as one of the best liberal art colleges in the nation, I had little doubt that, as far as my intellect and devotion to a rigorous curriculum went, I could run with the best of them. But I remained skeptical that, socially, financially, mentally, and to some degree, academically, I could fit in with the top women in the country who got accepted into a school such as this. I certainly had my biases about all-women colleges, and to find that Bryn Mawr was the best of the best certainly did not help to curb them; if anything, i t created more. My prejudices remained intact up until the day of my scheduled campus visit, overnight stay, and interview on October 7-8, 2001. Stepping up to the door of the admissions office, many of my resolves all but dissolved, as I was kindly greeted by several groups of women who guided me through registration, campus tours, alumnae speeches, and a most excellent dinner, attended by the College President and a presentation of classical music played by four talented young women. I was absolutely enthralled by the beauty of the campus, and pleasantly taken aback by the size, cleanliness, and grandeur of the residence halls. Though these things did help to curtail much of my cynicism about the â€Å"all-women college†, I believe that the experience that really attracted me to Bryn Mawr began when my hostess picked me up in the admissions office.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Panera Bread Essay

In this paper I will be discussing the company Panera Bread, its history, and how they decided on the business strategy that the company uses. I will also give a description of Panera’s strategic vision and how its stakeholders enable the success of Panera. Panera was built by Ron Shaich and originally started out in 1980 with a little store that used to be called the Cookie Jar. After three decades, a merger, and an acquisition later, Shaich’s empire turned into what we now know and love as Panera Bread. (Kowitt, 2012). Shaich started this bread empire when he was attending Clark University and was kicked out of a convenience store that didn’t cater to college students. So Shaich, who was the treasurer of the student body, decided that the college should make their own store, and that is exactly what they did. After running this store for the college, Shaich loved it so much that he decided to open his own store called the Cookie Jar, and in an effort to expand his offerings he became a licensee of the French bakery company, Au Bon Pain, whom later on merged with his company. Kowitt, 2012). Later Shaich stated that â€Å"[he] was worried because the French baked goods we sold at our half-a-dozen stores were becoming pedestrianized. We decided to use the croissant and bread as a platform to sell soups, salads, and sandwiches† (Kowitt, 2012). This is where they started becoming the store we are familiar with, however they had one more change to go through before they evolved into their current format. In 1993 Shaich purchased a small lunchtime soup, salad, and sandwich chain called St. Louis Bread Co. Shaich soon realized that this is where the gem of his business was located, so he changed the name to Panera, changed the environment to encourage people to gather, and sold off the other portions of his company such as Au Bon Pain. (Kowitt, 2012). This was the turning point for the company where Shaich decided to make the full business strategy for Panera to be that of the bakery cafe set up. With a vision of providing good quality breads and foods, with excellent customer service, this is key for while other companies have cut back due to the economy. Panera has continued their game plan to ensure the greatest experience for their customers. If you walk into other companies restaurants you will see longer lines, waits, and dirty tables due to those companies cutting back, whereas Panera continues to invest in labor in their cafes and the quality of their workers, as well as in the quality of their food. (â€Å"How panera bread,† 2010). This is their long term strategy and what I believe is the key to their success and the most important part of their strategy. They put emphasis on the quality of their food and the dining experience; this has really won over the customers that want a fast, clean, and healthy dining experience. This business plan of taking care of the customer first is due to the fact that the stockholders, and Shaich, who is the largest stockholder, allow Panera to remember that they started the company to provide quality service to customers, not to make money. Realizing that the stock price is a byproduct of them ensuring the customers are happy, and not the whole point of the company. A lot of companies think only of profits and hitting the bottom line, whereas Panera views their role as delivering a valued service to their customers. (Shaich, 2011). Shaich states that â€Å"We have to spend less time figuring out how to extract economic value from our stakeholders and more time creating what is valuable to them. Doing so is what ultimately creates long-term value† (Shaich, 2011). Arguing the fact that if you make sure the service you are providing is great then the customers will come, and your stock value will rise. Just like the old adage â€Å"if you build it they will come† this is the same thing, if you build a clean friendly restaurant with quality food, then the customers will come and spend money, and this is exactly what Panera has done and why they are so successful. My recommendation to Panera is to continue doing what they are doing, ensuring that the food and service quality at their restaurants stays at the high level that they already are. Never forgetting that this is what brings them long term profits, and to always keep that goal in view, instead of stripping down their services to create vast short term profits, but hurting customer loyalty and future sells. In conclusion we can see that Panera was able to start from a small little cookie store and transform into the huge restaurant chain it is today by focusing on taking care of their customers and not just looking at the bottom line of a balance sheet.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Final writing exercise Essay

There are three phases whereby each has a different crystal structure at three different temperatures. At room temperature (298K), Phase III is present whereby Cs3H(SeO4)2 has a crystal structure of a monoclinic with a space group of C2/m. At 400K, Phase II is present whereby Cs3H(SeO4)2 has a crystal structure of a monoclinic-A2/a symmetry. At 470K, Phase I is present whereby Cs3H(SeO4)2 has a crystal structure of a trigonal with a space group of R3-m. In Phase III, as we can see in Figure 2(a), the positioning of the tetrahedrons is parallel to the a-axis, and in between these SeO4 tetrahedrons are the hydrogen bonds. Looking at a 2dimensional perspective, we can also see that there is a translation movement of the SeO4 tetrahedrons along the a-axis; hence the symmetry operator would be a glide line parallel to a-axis. In a 3-dimensional perspective, we can see that Phase III has a 2-fold rotation axis and contains glide planes. In Phase II, from Figure 2(b), we can see that the positioning of the SeO4 tetrahedrons are along the approximate direction [310]. Observing the schematic of the crystal structure in Phase II, we can see that there is a vertical mirror line in between the SeO4 tetrahedrons. There is also an a-glide reflection vertically. In Phase I, from Figure 2(c), the positioning of SeO4 tetrahedron is similar to that of Phase II, however the difference is the crystal structure and the hydrogen bonding. Comparing both Phase II and Phase III crystal structures of the compound, Phase II contains two-fold screw axis, inversion center and a two-fold rotation axis, which is the sole reason for Phase II to be twice of that of Phase III in terms of geometrical  arrangement of hydrogen bonds. From the above analysis of the symmetry of the crystals structures in different phases, we can tell that Phase III has the most symmetry operators and hence achieving the highest crystal symmetry generating a low geometrical arrangement of hydrogen bonds. Due to the low geometrical arrangement of hydrogen bonds, the mobility of protons decreases giving the result of ferroelasticiy. The drastic change from superprotonic conductivity to ferroelasticty happens when there is a change from Phase II to Phase III. The major difference between theses 2 phases is the hydrogen bond arrangement. Paragraph 2 Under the optical microscope, we can observe that the polymorphic domains will alter at each phase transition to a different extent. We can see in phase III that the domains in the Cs3H(SeO4)2 crystal are made up of polydomains separated by two kinds of domain boundaries. The two kinds of domain boundaries are categorized as the planes of {311} and {11n}, where n is determined by the strain compatibility condition. The domains at the sides of each domain boundary are related to the reflective symmetry or the rotational symmetry on that boundary itself. Furthermore, we can observe that the angle between any domain and its neighboring domains is approximately 120 °, which is very close to the theoretical values calculated using the lattice parameters. As we move on from phase III to phase II, we can observe that the domain structure alters slightly by the phase transition of TII–III. Similarly, the reflective symmetry and rotational symmetry also changes at the same phase transition. However, the kinds of domain and domain boundary remain the same as those in phase III despite a change in domain pattern. This could be due to the slight change in alignment of hydrogen bonding between the SeO4 tetrahedrons when the existing hydrogen bonds were broken to form new weaker  ones. This might explains why their lattice parameters a and b do not really change appreciably. Compared to phase III previously, the angle between any domain and its neighboring domains in phase II is also approximately 120 ° and is justified by the theoretical values determined from the same equation we used for phase III. Hence, this suggest a slight change in the Cs3H(SeO4)2 crystal structure at the phase transition of TII–III. From phase II to phase I, the domain boundaries is observed to have disappear just before the curie temperature of the phase transition of TI–II and the crystal structure changes from  optically biaxial to optically uniaxial. This could be due to an external stress caused by the atomic rearrangement of the SeO4 tetrahedrons in the Cs3H(SeO4)2 crystal as a result of breaking the hydrogen bonds between them. Paragraph 3 Higher temperatures for most material will enable atoms to move to low energy sites, fitting into a perfect crystal symmetry. Cs3H(SeO4)2 however behaves differently. As the temperature increases (above 396K), its crystal symmetry decreases when it changes phase from III to II. The orientation of the hydrogen bond for phase II and III differs. For phase II, the orientation is along [310] and [3-10] direction whereas for phase III, it is parallel to the aaxis. As the transition from phase III to II occurs, the precursor of the superprotonic conductivity is observed. In order for movement of proton to occur, the breaking and then recombination of hydrogen bonds are required. For phase III, in order for the movement of one proton, the breaking of 2 hydrogen bonds is needed. The reason as to why 2 hydrogen bond is needed to be broken and recombined again is because for the movement of one proton to occur, it must break the hydrogen bond it resides in and then change its orientation, recombining at another site; the mirroring effect of opposite hydrogen bond is required to maintain the crystal symmetry i.e. to say that the another hydrogen bond parallel to the previous hydrogen bond site needs to be broken and recombined at other site parallel to the newly  recombined hydrogen bond. In this way, in phase III, the recombination of two hydrogen bonds is simultaneously needed for one proton transport. Phase II however, behaves differently. The movement of the proton is independent of the other protons at other hydrogen site. The crystal structure allows for this flexibility of the proton motion, which the superprotonic conduction takes place. The mechanism in which proton transportation occurs in the polymorphs is by the diffusion of protons through a hydrogen bond network, by the cleaving and formation of the hydrogen bonds. However, in certain phases, the cleavage and formation of the hydrogen bond might differ. The fuel cell works on the basis of the movement of protons. The movement of electrons should be disallowed as it would short circuit the fuel cell. Hence, a membrane is used to allow only the movement of protons across and not electrons and gases. On top of that, in order for a superprotonic effect to occur, the flexibility for proton motion must be allo wed. Hence, the lesser symmetrically patterned the phases the protons reside in, the higher this flexibility.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Parle G

Parle G The following case study is from the Richard Ivey School of Business. It is about the development of a leading Indian biscuit manufacturer, called Parle Products Pvt. Ltd. Company overview The company was found in 1929 as a candy manufacturer and started producing biscuits in 1939. At this time only few processed and ready-to-eat food items were available. Parle G are glucose biscuits and the company’s flag brand. It became the largest selling biscuit brand by volume in 2002.The company was using a mass market strategy which is why the price of the Parle G biscuits has maintained 1$ per Kilo since 1990. In 2009 the company had 74% of the market shares of the Indian glucose biscuit category. The biscuits were sold in 2. 5 million outlets. Other brands of Parle Products Pvt. Ltd. are Marie in the tea time category and Hide n Seek and five other brands in the premium category. In 2008/2009 the company recorded sales revenues of INR35 billion. 68 percent came from Parle G. The company is known all over India for offering high value for a low price (value for money).The products are available in India, Bangladesh and South Africa because the company had adopted a â€Å"follow the costumer† strategy in order to maintain low marketing costs. The two main target groups are 5-14 year old children and their mothers next to institutions. Until 1992 there was only little competition in the sector when Surya Food & Agro Limited entered the market. From 1999 on several companies such as Britannia Industries Ltd. and Hindustan Unilever Ltd. also entered the market because of the high potential in the premium category due to the change of income in Indian households.Problem statement Since 2004 the company had to deal with rising costs of the two main raw materials – sugar and wheat. In 2004 the company tried to raise the prices of its most popular product the 100g packet by 12. 5%. Within 6 month the sales dropped by more than 40%. In 2008 the raw material prices raised again. The management decided to do a hidden raise in price by reducing the weight of the 100g package slowly to 82. 5g without losing high sales. In 2009 the margin from Parle G had fallen from 15 to 10% of the revenue within the last 18 years, which is why Parle G needs a new strategy.The consumers’ perception was rooted so strongly in the low price that it was undermining other product attributes such as quality and taste. This made it impossible to raise the price. The company tried to deal with this problem by changing to a cheaper packaging material and dealing directly with the raw material deliverers. Alternatives There are several approaches to restore the margins to minimum 15% of the revenues again. To evaluate the different strategies two criteria have been selected – costs and time.One approach would be repositioning the brand as a qualitatively high and tasty product for which the costumers do not mind spending more money on. This strategy would be cost intensive and would take at least 12 – 18 month to see the first results. The brand also exists since 1939 which is why it would be very difficult to change people’s prescription of the brand. Therefore it is not the best strategy at this moment. The second strategy could be introducing product variations like for example with different flavours which can be sold for 20 – 25% more expensive than the normal Parle G.The costs for this would be high because of the different researches that have to be conducted, the increasing production costs and the upcoming marketing costs. It would take 6 – 12 month to introduce a new product. This is why this strategy is also not ideal. The third strategy is offering one more brand in the premium category because of the increasing demand in this sector. The fact that Parle Products Pvt. Ltd. already offers 6 brands in the premium category, as well as the high costs of research, production and marke ting are the reason to dismiss this idea.It would also again take 6 – 12 month to introduce the new product which is why a better strategy needs to be found. Plan of Action Another approach would be offering only 4 or 5 instead of 12 different price categories to safe packaging costs. The costs for this action would be very low compared to the other strategies. The time this strategy needs would also be short which is why this a very good short term approach. In order to also find a long term strategy the idea of exporting into more than 2 countries should be reconsidered. A brand can only grow to a certain point f it does not become an international brand. Parle G is at the point where it is no longer enough to only sell within India, Bangladesh and South Africa. The company has to expand in countries with a high amount of Indian citizens, low competition and an increasing demand in biscuits. Therefore several researches have to be conducted because this measure is very cost ly and also very time intensive. But it is necessary for Parle Products Pvt. Ltd. to become a global player in order to restore the margins to minimum 15% of the revenues again and to secure company growth within the next 15 – 20 years.Therefore both criteria time and money can be neglected. The best course of action is changing the offers from 12 to 4 price categories starting within the next 10 – 14 days as a short term plan. The long term plan is exporting Parle G into at least 3 different countries within the next 15 month and 10 countries within the next 3 years. The company should try to conquer the institutional sectors first by offering at least 5-7% discount on bulk purchases at the beginning and create a demand within the rest of the population (pull-concept).

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Human imperfection Essay

There is a substantial debate among artists, critics and connoisseurs regarding the purpose of art. If views of painters like John Ruskin, writers like Robert Browning and art critic like Walter Pater are taken into account then it could be seen the perspective of the significance of art varies from person to person and school to school. Generally, the human race considers art as something that is pleasing to the eye or invokes certain emotions when viewed. And what many artists consider to be art is something which you can do and enjoy and in the end, produce something that gives a feeling of success. There are many different ways to express one using the concept called art. The most common style of art which most people think of when they think of art is the painting. The painting is usually just some form of paint media, whether oil or watercolor or whichever style it is, and the paint is then placed on some form of canvas. There are, however, literally hundreds of styles of art within the world. They range from the painting, which although never simple, isn’t necessarily the most complex way to express yourself. Art can even be considered in simple writing, usually in the form of poetry. The spoken word can have a more profound effect than physical art. A simple poem can invoke a range of emotions rather quickly. If a poem refers to someone who is close to the author, the author may feel overwhelmed when viewing their own artistic expression. But a painting can just as easily invoke the same feelings as a written piece of art. And a simple sketch has the chance of being just as profound. (Lamb, 243-245) In this context Ruskin’s point of view should be taken into account as he pointed out that the primary purpose of art is to evoke the value of god by showing the detrimental side of the human nature. He advocated this thesis with high degree of indulgence in his text ‘Modern Painters’. On the other hand Browning’s views of art were different from that of Ruskin but was not contrasting as he believed that perfection is what that all mattered in art. According to his views art should cover up the human imperfection and present a faultless, great and ideal image of the human being. His point of view on art was mostly presented through the characters Andrea del Sarto and Fra Lippo Lippi. It could be assumed that according to Browning art resembled whatever that was beautiful and faultless. In sharp contrast the point of view of Walter Pater completely rejects the previous two ideas. According to Walter Pater art should always be sensual and provoking. His idea of art completely ignores the aspects of spiritualities and sentiments along with any relation to emotion and theology. According to him any art that fails to evoke sensual feeling or satisfies the erotic feelings of the audience could well be labeled as failed art. In this context it would be relevant to quote Sir Kenneth Clark from his text ‘The Nude’. He mentioned that â€Å"no nude, however abstract, should fail to arouse in the spectator some vestige of erotic feeling, even though it be only finest shadow-and it if does no do so, it is bad art and false moral†. (Clark, 79) However, it can be stated that Art could be considered something as simple as an action someone has done for a cause or for somebody. If someone holds the door for somebody else, it could be their art to be generous and gentlemanly. Even acts of crime can be considered forms of art. In many thieving circles, the method of breaking and entering or robbing places is merely called the â€Å"Art of Theft†. Thus one can never really limit art to one thing. Rather, it is a wide arrangement of things. And one can never truly crack down and say that something is only artistic if it is of some particular kind of medium, because somebody else will disagree. It can be stated that Art is basically anything that anyone does which has a profound effect on somebody or something else. From a simple act of kindness to a masterpiece painting that took years out of somebody’s life. Some art can be considered more complex, and some art can be considered simpler in contrast. But, the fact of the matter is, in the eye of the beholder, art could be anything. So is it really possible for us to define what art is or can we really set any realistic guidelines as to what’s art and what isn’t art? It is always possible to create guidelines, but it is often considered an art-form in itself to break said guidelines. Similarly, the aesthetics of art could well be beyond the definition set by rigid guideline and logically thus the significance or purpose of art remains a relative concept. But defining what is aesthetic and what isn’t can also be quite an undertaking. Simply put, something that is aesthetically pleasing is something that appeals to the senses. For instance, flowers give a nice aesthetic sense of smell by offering their pleasant odors. A nicely painted picture can give off a nice aesthetic sight for somebody to enjoy. Often it is difficult to create something aesthetically pleasing, as there are many ways to easily offend peoples’ senses. For instance, if you wanted to create a painting to give off an aesthetic feeling of hope, you probably wouldn’t use an over abundance of dark colors. Dark colors are often used to show calmness or even more commonly, something sad and depressing. Also, when painting, if you use wider and more circular strokes with a lighter press on your brush, you’ll give off more depressing tones and colors. So, it would be more advisable to use lighter colors and more agile handling of the brush. Lighter colors often give off a feeling of warmth and happiness, which is something that you would like to be doing if you would like to create something hopeful. (King, 126) However, it can be stated that it doesn’t really matter whether or not we can define the significance of art, because art is just an expression. It is a method for human beings to get out their emotions and share them with the rest of the world. It helps to describe what cannot be spoken. A picture is worth a thousand words, but even those thousand words can yet again produce a thousand additional pictures. And in this method of thought, the significance of art has an infinite number of possibilities and an infinite number of ways to influence the lives of others. Thus the significance or the purpose of art lies in its spirituality, humane approach, sense of beauty and even sensuality all at the same time and there should not be any rigidity in this context. References: Clark, Kenneth; The Nude; (Alliance Publishers. 2002) King, H; Aesthetic Today (HBT & Brooks Ltd. 2005) pp 126 Lamb, Davis; Cult to Culture: The Development of Civilization on the Strategic Strata. (National Book Trust. 2004) pp 243-245.

Key Issues in the Development E-Business Strategies Relating To the Essay

Key Issues in the Development E-Business Strategies Relating To the Education Sector in UK - Essay Example The researcher states that an internal audit and competitor analysis would help evaluate the stand that Conde Nast has taken. This can be through SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis. SWOT analysis reveals the internal strengths and weakness which helps the organization evaluate the opportunities that the market presents. It also makes the organization cognizant of its weaknesses which can help it revise its strategy. Enjoys excellent reputation and authority of the brand which puts them in a strong position to teach and inspire the fashion and decorating talent of the future. The college principal designate is the editor of Easy Living and has been the deputy editor of Vogue for five years. The editor-turned teacher would be a valuable connection for the students as they would receive practical knowledge of the industry. Because of their links with the fashion world, they would be able to offer unique insights into the industry. The group creates and develops lifes tyle and business brands online. They have a stronghold in the fashion industry. They also have online and e-commerce experience because of their base unit – publishing. Conde Nast has no prior experience in the field of education. A major lifestyle and publishing house getting into education is something that may not be very attractive to the prospective students/fashion designers. The editor, named as the Principal, has no teaching experience. They may have problems securing internships for their students because of lack of educational background and especially in the field of fashion. They have yet to find a director with experience in the field to run the school. They have been losing revenue in their publishing as there has been a shift from traditional advertising to digital advertising. They need to have collaboration with a University of repute to be able to award degrees. They intend to offer a ten-week intensive course as well as a one-year fashion foundation course . By using the editors as teachers the Group also ensures they get the designs they want to feature in their magazine.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Market Equilibrating Process Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Market Equilibrating Process Paper - Essay Example However, I will argue that this may be the case at present but the product is at risk in the long term for several reasons. This can be reflected in the gradual shift in the supply and demand equilibrium. Successful branding and Apple innovation have ensured the current demand for iPhone. The product has been the first to usher in the era of "touch" smartphones and this has been displayed by the array of competitors emulating the product even until now. So for a time it has enjoyed leadership and dominance due to the scarcity of such product given the limited options and demand choices for consumers. Things are changing, however, because of the increasingly competitive market and the increasingly sophisticated requirements of the consumers. The development of the Googles Android operating system has launched the success of many smartphone manufacturers that collectively led to a viable and sophisticated alternative to the iPhones IOS. The Android phone and the iPhone became substitutes: as the price of the other increases, the demand for the other increase (p.50) Recently, a research by the firm IDC placed the market share of Android to about 68 percent whereas Apple claims only 16.9 percent (AP 2012). Of course, Android is fragmented into several phone manufacturers such as Samsung and HTC. But the trend signals an interesting shift in the market, which bring together buyers and sellers (p.46). This year Samsung toppled Apple as worlds leading phone manufacturer. As more and more people are exposed to many choices, they are able to expand the variables that inform the cost-bene fit analyses that drive their purchase decisions. In this instance, price and quantity are no longer the sole drivers of the market. The so-called other â€Å"determinants of demand† assume equal importance in the pattern of market demand (p.48). Moreover, increased competition aggravates the principle of "diminishing marginal utility", which argues that "for a

Monday, August 12, 2019

Employment Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Employment Relations - Essay Example This shortage can be short term or long term, although it depends on the lengthy of the deficit. Due to its current state of deficiency of skilled labour, many immigrants shift to New Zealand to seize the employment opportunities (Palffy, 2008). Adversely, the country may have many skilled labourers who are not willing to fill the available vacancies. This investigative paper will seek to discover the causes of inadequate skilled labour supply in New Zealand. It will also suggest possible control measures that can correct the situation in New Zealand’s labour market. Causes of skills shortage in New Zealand Skills shortages can vary from their nature to the cause. Genuine skills shortage occurs when an employer finds it difficult to get enough skilled job seekers to fill the vacancies available in the organization. For example, if there are tailors to fill vacancies in a textile company but only very few tailors with these skills are unemployed and looking for a job. Recruitme nt and retention difficulties also cause skill shortage. This is whereby a skilled job seeker is available, but chooses not to work due to the unfavorable working conditions and low wages. In New Zealand, there exist several causes for the shortages (OECD, 2008). However, the commonest include global labour market, which happens when people with the necessary skills move from New Zealand to other countries. They may migrate due to change of citizenship or carry on other personal interests. Low and inflexible wages is also a contributor to the shortage. This is because when wages are low, and employers are not willing to increase it, job seekers may decide not to look for a job since there is no motivating reward (Sunley, Martin, & Nativel, 2011). Cohem & Zaidi (2002) argue that technological changes and development also pose a threat to the labor market. When technology advance, initially a few people have the advanced skills. Additionally, it is natural that people resist change. T herefore, very few people will be willing to train with the new technology. Growth of the economy is another contributing factor to skills shortage. This is because when economy grows, new opportunities are evident and the country may suffer from short-term lack of skills. Ageing population cause shortage since when people with the necessary skills retire from their work, a gap is present. The employers will need to train other employees in order to feel the gap. Low skilled workforce is another challenge to labour market (Palffy, 2008). This is because if the employees posses only the basics of a job requirement, they may not be able to perform an advanced job requirement, therefore, making themselves obsolete from time to time. Labour market barriers also contribute to skills shortage. This may occur when a job vacancy specifies other requirements for the potential employee rather than the skill. The vacancy may state specific age, height, or even knowledge of a specific geographi cal region. Consequently, even if an individual has all the necessary skills but lacks any of the additional condition, does not meet job expectations. This is a challenge since there may be very few people with both the conditions and the skills (Bruk et al., 2012). Poor management and leadership in organizations in New Zealand have discouraged job seekers from working in some firms. Even if one has the necessary skills, may not be willing to work in an organization with