Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Racism - I Was Born a Middle-class, White Child Essay -- Sociology Rac

[BUSINESS PLAN ASSIGNMENT]| | Creating your own image pants We will present a business where we with the assistance of perceived pants marks everywhere throughout the world will give standard individuals a possibility of making their own pair of pants, yet at the same time keeping up the quality and the status that the particular brand keep up for their clients. We will fundamentally be a pants selling store yet with a specialty that we acquaint our clients with â€Å"custom made† pants rather than the customary ones. We will utilize the current wheat with its cut, contraband and plan however we will offer our clients the chance to pick a portion of the subtleties themselves. For individuals who for instance need to have a wear on pants which don’t have any wear from the first affiliate we offer the likelihood that at a specialist level giving some pants the wear that the client needs. Likewise we will have the option to give the pants another wash if the client is keen on a light tone of the texture however there isn’t any accessible from the Label/Brand/producer. In the event that somebody needs to have some other shading or size on the principle catches we can give that, on the off chance that one needs some other sort of back pockets we are additionally ready to give that. Somebody may need some extra thought processes or textures on their pants. We will consistently attempt to be as adaptable as could be expected under the circumstances and serve our customers in any capacity that we best can. Why work with Diesel We have decided to work with the brand Diesel, as a result of numerous elements. We will work with a set up brand that has a strong client base here in Sweden. As to the review done by ISI Wissing, Diesel is the number 3 famous pants brand in Sweden, additionally it meets all requirements for the third spot with regards to consumer loyalty. With regards to utilizing the brand, in regards to this study, it finishes on fourth spot. What's more, that for us shows that there are chances to take this considerably further. Additionally there is a mindset among more youthful individuals that they are appealing to the Diesel brand. One reason why, are their extraordinary and particular advertisements. They attempt to show the brand as exceptionally appealing and cool and furthermore with all their various items they need to make an admirable sentiment that Diesel is something different then the various brands. It’s progressively alluring and forceful and it’s there for the individuals who comprehend what they need. One of their later business battle are the â€Å"Be Stupid† business where they address their garments and items to explicit individuals that need to be something different. A case of their business is the accompanying statements: â€Å"Smart may have the cerebrums, however inept has the balls. †, â€Å"Stupid may fall flat. Keen doesn’t even attempt. †, â€Å"Smart may have the appropriate responses, however inept has all the fascinating questions†, â€Å"Smart has the plans, dumb has the stories†. So these are models that they truly attempt to have their own methodology and make something diverting and appealing to their client base. What's more, we think this is something that make Diesel stick out and be an appealing and famous brand to work with. (Willebrand, P, 2007), (Habitat. se, 2009) This kind of item we offer is centered around a moderately youthful, somewhere in the range of 18 and 35 years as a material style, youthful, dynamic, exceptional and with character. Our objective is to center deals in a solitary item with its own character, a pattern and a reference in the material market, creating items for a requesting shopper division, where every item can be recognized from the rest. This item is so costly, it’s concentrated on one sort of shopper with a high monetary level, however that is the reason our administration is striking, since it is a moderate method to get what the client regarding the qualities referenced, taking a gander at the market. We don’t feel that the fragment with low paying occupations will be that specific inspired by our business since we figure it will be an excessive amount of cash for them to spend on garments. So our business is fairly coordinated to individuals who are at the normal pay and the sky is the limit from there. Ideally we discover this client base in bigger urban areas where there are sufficient to offer for individuals being keen on explicit marking garments. What we can see an association with may be a free worker or a business person that as of now are going their own way and following their own way of life, not limited to a particular guidelines or clothing regulation at their employments. We likewise imagine that individuals with a particular character can profit by this of undertaking, in the event that you work at some spot where you have a clothing regulation that is suits or coats for instance, you can't wear your normal Levis, however you despite everything may be a pants fellow. We at that point offer the likelihood to change the shading on your pants to make them look however much as suit pants as could be expected thus they not stick out and look extremely changed and improper from what anticipated. An alluring base item Our administration isn't remarkable since there are organizations like Indicustom and Somconceptshop that allows the costumer to modify their own pants. Be that as it may, our administration offers the client another element in the market of altering pants. We need to utilize a â€Å"attractive† base item and let the client customize it. We took a gander at different organizations that were working in a similar market as us. We comprehended that we expected to focus on purposes of distinction the advantages that set our item apart from the opposition. Such purposes of separation are, as a rule, what purchasers recall about an item. Nobody of the current organizations that we considered utilized brand/named pants as the item that you could customize. So we believed that in the event that we utilize a notable brand like Diesel as a base item that the clients could tweak the manner in which they actually need them to look yet have the quality that Diesel gives. It would unquestioningly separate our item from the opposition. About Diesel is a universal brand, present on the dress business advertise in more than 80 nations with 5500 retail locations, all through every one of the 5 mainlands. As far as anticipated in the populace keen on purchasing garments and brand frill is increasingly more significant that’s why the organizations of the garments business bring to the table shifted items to support their sells and their distinction. The brand sells just about 3000 items from the essential pair of pants, to the sacks, belts and the house furniture. Diesel additionally claims 200 organizations and having association with 100 neighborhood wholesalers, for example, L’Oreal, Ford or Adidas. The primary objective is to be wherever geologically, in various vital territories, growing, in that way, their universal nearness. Concerning the deals and benefits, the organization understood an income of 1,2 billionsâ‚ ¬ en 2008, 80 millions in France. Be that as it may, even with these great outcomes the income worldwide of the gathering doesn’t truly know a tremendous development and on the opposite reduction of 3. 5% in 2009, while there was an ascent of 3% in 2008. At that point, regardless of whether the organization has a solid money related situation as its crusades, its outcomes and its development appears there is no additional income since 5 years. That’s why we chose to make this customize administration. (Pavarini, M, 2010) Tailored online business in Sweden Tailored internet business is on the ascent in the event that you solicit the CEO from Tailor store. He expects a yearly development of 30 percent in light of the fact that the separation exchange is on the ascent and becoming quicker than the ordinary store exchange. Tailor Store had a business chart of 40 million a year ago and revealed a benefit of 5 million after net budgetary things. He thinks the explanation of the achievement is on the grounds that shoppers have profited incredibly by including the capacity to explore and analyze the results of a bigger scope of items and administrations that can be bought whenever and from anyplace and a more noteworthy chance to get more modified items to fulfill individual needs. What's more, web based business is getting well known in the entire of Sweden; 28 billion in turnover was from separation exchange, online business and mail request, in 2010. In the event that you take a gander at the numbers you can see that it has been a multiplying in deals over the most recent five years and today it speaks to 4. percent of the complete retail deals. (Melkersson, E, 2011) Competitors When we take a gander at the greatest contenders it’s difficult to state who will be the greatest contender for our business. Clearly every brand will be a contender since we will just work with Diesel, likewise different stores who sell Jean s will likewise be a contender to us and in Sweden particularly Brothers and Sisters, JC and H&M are huge contenders. Additionally organizations who sell other brand that are enormous will be a contender for us, for example, affiliates for Lee who is number one in Sweden and Levis which is number two. Be that as it may, in the event that we center explicitly around our qualification from the different affiliates, the specially crafted part, we imagine that organizations like Tailor Store will be a major contender for us. An organization that previously made themselves a name available of uniquely crafted garments, despite the fact that they are not just constrained to explicit brands. In the event that we look in to the segment with specially designed garments a ton of them are not affiliates and managing greater overall brands. It’s regularly some littler brand which they import and offer individuals the chance to make changes to. Here is the place we have an issue distinguishing a particular organization that are selling extravagance brand pants, architect pants, with the open door for the client to have the pants hand crafted after their desires. On the off chance that we take a gander at the pants advertise here in Sweden it has experienced a little fallback. Around 15 million sets of pants is sold in Sweden consistently. Furthermore, the opposition from organizations like H&M, Kappahl and Lindex are getting greater at the expense of specific pants affiliates income. (Willebrand, P, 2007), (Habitat. se, 2009) External Factors Affecting A Business There are a few outer elements we are looki

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Behavioral and Social Learning Approaches Personality Assessment Essay

Conduct and Social Learning Approaches Personality Assessment - Essay Example In social learning, conduct is created through the adjustment of practices that are mimicry of the practices that one is presented to inside one’s social condition. One of the more questionable, and by today’s principles, dishonest trials in behaviorism was led by John B. Watson regarding a matter he called â€Å"Little Albert†. Watson recommended that a characteristic and inborn reaction that a newborn child would understanding to uproarious commotion was dread. Watson brought a white rodent into a territory where a 11-month old newborn child was sitting. The kid didn't show a characteristic dread of the rodent and endeavored to go after it and interface with the rodent. At that point Watson would present the rodent and simultaneously hit an iron bar with a mallet so as to bring out a reaction. As anticipated, when the rodent would be allowed into the region with the youngster, the kid would then naturally start to cry, connecting the rodent with the dread he had felt at the problematic uproarious commotion (Slee, 2002, p. 57). quickly, making the affiliation that identifies with the reaction. The idea that an inward procedure doesn't connect with the manner by which an individual reacts doesn't appear to be exact as it limits the significance of choice. The manner by which one chooses to react may not be under full control, yet that doesn't imply that it isn't done through a progression of choices. As in the case of ’Little Albert’, his manner of thinking could be, ’I see the rat’, I like the rodent, yet when the rodent appears, a boisterous commotion that I don’t like is present’. Behaviorism recommends that the reaction is exclusively instinctual and created as an unadulterated reaction to upgrade. Gabriel Tarde created social learning laws of impersonation so as to clarify conduct. The laws were: 1. Impersonation happens through vicinity to other people, 2. Impersonation streams from the better than the sub-par, and 3. New thoughts can turn out to be a piece of the texture of culture as the traditions become imbedded, while others

Friday, July 31, 2020

Medication-Induced Anxiety Disorder

Substance/Medication-Induced Anxiety Disorder Panic Disorder Related Conditions Print Substance/Medication-Induced Anxiety Disorder By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 03, 2020 skynesher/Getty Images More in Panic Disorder Related Conditions Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Coping Substance or medication-induced anxiety disorder is the diagnostic name for severe anxiety or panic which is caused by alcohol, drugs, or medications. While it is normal to have some feelings of anxiety in stressful situations, and even the transient feelings of anxiety, paranoia or panic that can happen spontaneously during intoxication or withdrawal from alcohol or drugs, substance-induced anxiety feels much worse and goes on a lot longer.??? For some people, it can significantly upset their enjoyment in life. Unfortunately, the same drugs that many people use to try and boost their confidence, help them relax, and lower their inhibitions are the ones most prone to causing substance-induced anxiety disorder or panic attacks. In some cases, people dont even realize that it is alcohol, drugs or medications that are causing the anxiety  because they only associate those substances with feeling good. The Dangers of Using Alcohol and Drugs to Relieve Anxiety Diagnosis When physicians or psychologists give a diagnosis of substance/medication-induced anxiety disorder, they check to make sure that the anxiety wasnt there before the use of alcohol, drugs or medications thought to be responsible. This is because there are several different types of anxiety disorders, and if the symptoms were there before the substance use, it isnt diagnosed as substance/medication-induced anxiety.?? Types of Anxiety Disorders How Soon Anxiety Can Be Induced After Taking the Drug In some cases, anxiety or panic can occur straight away. There is even a category with onset during intoxication, which means that the anxiety episode actually started when the individual was drunk or high on the drug.??? It can also occur during withdrawal, during which symptoms of anxiety are common. However, with anxiety which is simply a symptom of withdrawal, the persons symptoms will generally resolve within a few days of discontinuing alcohol or drug use, while with substance-induced anxiety disorder, it can start during withdrawal, and continue or get worse as the person moves through the detox process. How Long Do Withdrawal Symptoms Last? Generally, the diagnosis isnt given if the person has a history of anxiety without substance use, or if the symptoms continue for more than a month after the person becomes abstinent from the alcohol, drugs or medication.?? For the diagnosis of Substance/Medication-Induced Anxiety Disorder to be given, the symptoms have to be causing a great deal of emotional upset or significantly affecting the persons life, including their work or social life, or another part of their life that is important. Drugs That Cause Substance/Medication-Induced Anxiety Disorder A wide variety of psychoactive substances can cause substance-induced anxiety, including: Alcohol-induced anxiety disorder??Caffeine-induced anxiety disorderCannabis-induced anxiety disorderPhencyclidine-induced anxiety disorderOther hallucinogen-induced anxiety disorderInhalant-induced anxiety disorderAmphetamine-induced anxiety disorderOther stimulant-induced anxiety disorderCocaine-induced anxiety disorderOther substance-induced anxiety disorderUnknown substance-induced anxiety disorder Medications known to cause substance-induced anxiety include: Anesthetic-induced anxiety disorderAnalgesic-induced anxiety disorderSympathomimetic or other bronchodilator-induced anxiety disorderAnticholinergic-induced anxiety disorderInsulin-induced anxiety disorderThyroid preparation-induced anxiety disorderOral contraceptive-induced anxiety disorderAntihistamine-induced anxiety disorderAntiparkinsonian-induced anxiety disorderCorticosteroid-induced anxiety disorderAntihypertensive and cardiovascular medication-induced anxiety disorderAnticonvulsant-induced anxiety disorderLithium carbonate-induced anxiety disorderAntipsychotic-induced anxiety disorderAntidepressant-induced anxiety disorder Specific heavy metals and toxins that can cause panic or anxiety symptoms include organophosphate insecticide, nerve gases, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and volatile substances such as gasoline and paint.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Will Star Trek-Style Matter Transporters Ever Exist

Beam me up, Scotty! Its one of the most famous lines in the Star Trek franchise and refers to the futuristic matter transportation device or transporter on every ship in the galaxy. The transporter dematerializes entire humans (and other objects) and sends their constituent particles to another destination where they are perfectly reassembled. The best thing to come to personal point-to-point transportation since the elevator, this technology seemed to have been adopted by every civilization in the show, from the inhabitants of Vulcan to the Klingons and Borg. It solved a multitude of plot problems and made the shows and movies iconically cool. Is Beaming Possible? Will it ever be possible to develop such technology? The idea of transporting solid matter by turning it into a form of energy and sending it great distances sounds like magic. Yet, there are scientifically valid reasons why it could, perhaps, one day happen. Recent technology has made it possible to transport—or beam if you will—small pools of particles or photons from one location to another.  This quantum mechanics phenomenon is known as quantum transport. The process does have future applications in many electronics such as advanced communication technologies and super-fast quantum computers. Applying the same technique to something as large and complex as a living human being is a very different matter. Without some major technological advances, the process of turning a living person into information has risks that make the Federation-style transporters impossible for the foreseeable future. Dematerializing So, whats the idea behind beaming? In the Star Trek universe, an operator dematerializes the thing to be transported, sends it along, and then the thing gets rematerialized at the other end. Although this process can currently work with the particles or photons described above, taking apart a human being and dissolving them into individual subatomic particles is not remotely possible now.  Given our current understanding of biology and physics, a living creature could never survive such a process. There are also some philosophical considerations to think about when transporting living beings. Even if the body could be dematerialized, how does the system handle the persons consciousness and personality? Would those decouple from the body? These issues are never discussed in Star Trek, although there have been science fiction stories exploring the challenges of the first transporters. Some science fiction writers imagine that the transportee is actually killed during this step, and then reanimated when the bodys atoms are reassembled elsewhere. But, this seems like a process that no one would willingly undergo. Re-materializing Lets postulate for a moment that it would be possible to dematerialize—or energize as they say on screen—a human being. An even greater problem arises: getting the person back together at the desired location.  There are actually several problems here. First, this technology, as used in the shows and movies, seems to have no difficulty in beaming the particles through all kinds of thick, dense materials on their way from the starship to distant locations. This is highly unlikely to be possible in reality. Neutrinos can pass through rocks and planets, but not other particles. Even less feasible, however, is the possibility of arranging the particles in just the right order so as to preserve the persons identity (and not kill them). There is nothing in our understanding of physics or biology that suggests we can control matter in such a way. Moreover, a persons identity and consciousness is likely not something that can be dissolved and remade. Will We Ever Have Transporter Technology? Given all the challenges, and based on our current understanding of physics and biology, it does not seem likely that such technology will ever come to fruition. However, famed physicist and science writer Michio Kaku wrote in 2008 that he anticipated scientists developing a safe version of such technology in the next hundred years. We may very well discover unimagined breakthroughs in physics that would allow this type of technology. However, for the moment, the only transporters were going to see will be on TV and movie screens. Edited and expanded by Carolyn Collins Petersen

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Houses as Motif Kate Chopins the Awakening - 2783 Words

Houses as Motifs in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening Linda Catte Dr. Kathryn Warren ENGL 2329: American Literature March 22, 2012 (KateChopin.org.) (Krantz’s Grand Isle Hotel Picture of painting by Tracy Warhart Plaisance) (Reflechir: Vol.1. Les images des prairies tremblantes: 1840-1940 by Chà ©nià ¨re Hurricane Centennial Committee) It is not new or unique that an individual is looking for one’s purpose and meaning in life. Nor is it unique that men and women imitate the norms of society. In Kate Chopin’s novella, The Awakening, Edna Pontellier, the antagonist, knocked against the societal norms of the late 1800’s. Houses represent Edna’s search for her inner self. The houses which Chopin uses in The Awakening come in pairs which contrast†¦show more content†¦7) She desired passion as expressed in her daydreams prior to marriage, â€Å"It was when the face and figure of a great tragedian began to haunt her imagination and stir her senses. The persistence of the infatuation lent it an aspect of genuineness. The hopelessness of it colored it with the lofty tones of a great passion.† (Chopin, ch. 7) But she had no passion in her life. â€Å"As the devoted wife of a man who worshiped her, she felt she would take her place with a certain dignity in the world of reality, cl osing the portals forever behind her upon the realm of romance and dreams.† (Chopin, ch. 7) (http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/images) Marriage did not bring fulfillment or satisfaction to Edna’s life, nor did being a mother. â€Å"She would sometimes gather them passionately to her heart; she would sometimes forget them.† (Chopin, ch. 7) When her children were away with their grandmother, they were not missed by their mother. â€Å"Their absence was a sort of relief, though she did not admit this, even to herself. It seemed to free her of a responsibility which she had blindly assumed and for which Fate had not fitted her.† (Chopin, ch. 7) What mother forgets her children and does not miss them when they are gone? Edna was searching for meaning in her life, she wanted happiness. (http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/images) (http://www.loyno.edu/~kchopin/Album10.html)Show MoreRelatedKate Chopin s Life And Feminism1281 Words   |  6 PagesKate Chopin’s Life and Works- Feminism Kate Chopin, born on February 8th, 1850, was a progressive writer in the midst of a conservative and unequal time. She exposed the unfair undertones of society in such a way that made people outrage and condemn some of her works. However, in the early 1900s, her works were examined again and people started to listen to her ideas. One of these main motifs that Chopin’s works kept bringing up were feminism and equality. In The Awakening, Edna Pontellier, a radicalRead More Symbolism in Kate Chopins The Awakening Essay1467 Words   |  6 PagesSymbolism in Kate Chopins The Awakening Chopins The Awakening is full of symbolism.   Rather than hit the reader on the head with blunt literalism, Chopin uses symbols to relay subtle ideas.   Within each narrative segment, Chopin provides a symbol that the reader must fully understand in order to appreciate the novel as a whole.   I will attempt to dissect some of the major symbols and give possible explanations as to their importance within the text.   Art itself is a symbol of both freedomRead MoreThe Awakening By Kate Chopin1633 Words   |  7 Pages1. Title of text (underline novels/plays) author’s name The Awakening by Kate Chopin 2. Characterization Character Development (a) 1.Edna Pontellier- Edna is the main character of the novel who is married to a businessman. Edna is a dynamic character because at the beginning of the novel, she conforms to society by being the â€Å"perfect† mother and wife; however, Edna suddenly realizes that she is no longer happy with the way she was living her life and began to become independent only for herRead MoreKate Chopin s The Awakening2531 Words   |  11 PagesDress to Impress Kate Chopin’s novel, The Awakening depicts sexual affairs, inner struggles, and the conquest of motherhood that most women face today. The conquest of motherhood involves the battle between being a supportive wife and selfless mother. The story revolves around the characters’ dialogue and appearances described beautifully throughout the novel by Kate Chopin. The story is a familiar one that, sadly, most women can relate to: A woman is married without knowing what true love is. HerRead More The Awakening and The Yellow Wallpaper2395 Words   |  10 Pages   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Kate Chopins story The Awakening and Charlotte Perkins Gilmans story The Yellow Wallpaper draw their power from two truths: First, each work stands as a political cry against injustice and at the socio/political genesis of the modern feminist movement. Second, each text is a gatekeeper of a new literary history. Kate Chopin and Charlotte Perkins Gilman seem to initiate a new phase in textual history where literary conventions are revised to serve an ideology representative of theRead MoreReview Of Edna s 1637 Words   |  7 Pageshas kids who takes care of them and perform her domestic duties. Adele is simple because when Edna told her that she would give up her life for her children, Adele just asked her why she would do such a thing. b) The main character in Kate Chopin, The Awakening is Edna Pontellier. Her society was based on womanhood where the mother and wife stays home with their children while the husband goes to work. When Edna lived with her husband and kids, she was expected to be like a mother and wife, butRead MoreWomen are not only Beautiful, but Equal: The Awakening by Kate Chopin1284 Words   |  6 Pagesservility, and moved toward their valuation as individuals of intellect, talent, and independence. The culture about women’s empowerment has been reflected in literature and history throughout many ages. In a famous 20th century novel –The Awakening by Kate Chopin– Edna, the protagonist of the novel, exemplifies the domestic identity of women. She is forced to stay home with her two children, but when she decides to relieve herself of her domestic responsibility, she is frowned upon by society. She

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

ADHD Medication Should Antihypertensive Drugs Be Used Free Essays

Throughout the 1980’s, several published research papers suggested that antihypertensive drugs can be used to effectively manage ADHD symptoms, particularly hyperactive behavior and violent tendencies. It was found that anti-hypertensive drugs clonidine and guanfacine can improve the brain’s use of dopamine and inhibit the production of too much norepinephrine. Clonidine was also discovered to be better than stimulants at reducing hyperactivity, impulsivity, and mood swings. We will write a custom essay sample on ADHD Medication: Should Antihypertensive Drugs Be Used? or any similar topic only for you Order Now But are these ADHD medications necessarily safer than stimulant drugs? There are many kinds of drugs that reduce blood pressure through different mechanisms. Some reduce the vigor of heart contractions while others lower the amount of fluid in the blood. The anti-hypertensive medications for ADHD lower blood pressure by affecting the nervous system. To be specific, they prevent the release of norepinephrine, the neurotransmitter that boosts heart rate when the body’s fight or flight response gets activated. By inhibiting norepinephrine’s release, the medicine can calm down a hyperactive child. It’s very likely that the desirable effects of anti-hypertensive drugs are due to its sedative properties; drowsiness and fatigue are two of the most common side effects of clonidine. Studies also show that these medicines do not improve short attention spans and productivity. To combat this, there was a trend where doctors prescribed anti-hypertensives with the stimulant methylphenidate, found in the popular ADHD drug Ritalin. Unfortunately, this practice resulted in the death of several children. Although a medical investigation was unable to come up with evidence that the deaths were due to these drugs, many prominent doctors started questioning the value of treating ADHD with antihypertensives and methylphenidate, considering that its long-term effects and safety are poorly studied. When used alone, anti-hypertensive medications may have some potentially worrisome side effects. Since these drugs are designed to prevent hypertension, the drug may cause low blood pressure and interferes with heartbeat, which may increase the risk of heart conditions. Its sedative effects can also impair thinking and slow down motor skills, which pose safety problems for ADHD sufferers who drive or operate heavy machinery. On the other hand, anti-hypertensive medications do not have the addictive potential of stimulants and will not cause heart failure by itself. Of all the medications used to treat ADHD, anti-hypertensives seem to have the least dangerous risks. However, these risks are very real and still have the potential to be life-threatening. Consider the pros and cons very carefully before deciding to treat your child’s ADHD with proper medicinal remedies. How to cite ADHD Medication: Should Antihypertensive Drugs Be Used?, Papers

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Technology and Text Speak Essay Example

Technology and Text Speak Essay Technology has changed our lives in the past twenty years. In the past, if we wanted to have a conversation with someone it was needed to find the person and go to the place they were to talk to them. However, today all it is need a cellphone, and you can talk with three or four even five people at the same time. Nowadays there are many ways to communicate to someone, and one of the most important ways is thru text messaging. This affects almost all of us, especially young adolescents. There is no doubt that text messaging is the best way to reach a person and communicate with them without the necessity of speak or call multiple times until the person answers the phone. In many ways, it is easy to type a message to express yourself to someone then call and explain in your word, simply by the fact that in text many people use abbreviation to describe their necessities in a short and objective way to someone. Many parents and teachers are concern about the way student text because of a bbreviations and short ways they use. In the article wrote by Michaela Cullington, â€Å"Texting and Writing† it is very clear how the author explains the concerns of parents and teachers over the â€Å"text speak† issue and how it effects the formal writing of adolescents and college students. The author used this article in a very effective way to reach the parents and teachers of those young adolescents by describing and showing the research made by the author himself to prove how â€Å"text speak† has no effect on students formal writing. This topic is very controversial; the reason is that many people believe abbreviation in text reduces the capability of the student to write in the formal language and the other hand many types of research and teachers disagree with that theory stating that text messaging improves students’ writing. There are numerous statements of different writers supporting the idea of the good side of text language. A book wrote by We will write a custom essay sample on Technology and Text Speak specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Technology and Text Speak specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Technology and Text Speak specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer